Creation and study of the properties of multicomponent biofuels for tractor diesel engines

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There is an interest in unconventional fuels, their feedstock are renewable resources of various origins, intended for the production, primarily, of biofuels. Biofuel prices are commensurate with the prices of petroleum-based fuels, and in some cases biofuel prices are even lower. The most significant properties of biofuels for operation do not coincide with the properties of commercial diesel fuel. Due to this, when converting ICEs, originally created for operation on diesel fuel, for biofuels, a list of problems is indicated. One of the productive areas of internal combustion engine adaptation can be the use of multicomponent blended biofuels. Expansion of multi-fuel diesel engines and the approximation of the required properties of biofuels to those for commercial diesel fuel are more expedient to achieve by using multicomponent compositions, the result is that the properties of one fuel can compensate the properties of another. Research in the field of heat engines is usually based on the acquisition of bench test data. Considering the length and complexity of this path, elements of scientific planning of the experiment are increasingly used. To reduce the number of experiments, experimental design based on the Box-Behnken three-factor design was applied. Regression equations were built, the adequacy of the obtained models was assessed, and the significance of its coefficients was evaluated. Based on the data obtained during the research, the percentage of the ingredients of the biofuel composition was determined taking into account the conditions of sufficient stability and kinematic viscosity. A modernized design of the power supply system of an agricultural tractor has been developed for its operation on a biofuel composition. It allows to maintain its viscosity-temperature properties within the framework of the current standard, regardless of the ambient temperature. The confirmation of the possibility of tractor operation on the developed composition of the new fuel was obtained experimentally.

About the authors

S. A Plotnikov

Vyatka State University

DSc in Engineering Kirov, Russia

A. N Kartashevich

Vyatka State University

DSc in Engineering Kirov, Russia

M. N Glushkov

Vyatka State University

Kirov, Russia

A. I Shipin

Vyatka State University

Kirov, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2020 Plotnikov S.A., Kartashevich A.N., Glushkov M.N., Shipin A.I.

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