System studies of the preparation of protein feed

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The purpose of the study is to determine the direction of development of system studies of the prepa-ration of protein feed. System analysis of the preparation of protein feed is carried out by dividing the sys-tem into subsystems of different levels (process lines) and elements (technical devices), which will allow to outline the stages of research and to construct their classification. In the scientific systems theory, we will follow the path of «exact technology of animal husbandry», which was considered by academician Leonid Kormanovsky, built on the basis of mathematical models obtained as a result of theoretical studies (analysis) and experimentally (empirically). In turn, the "exact technology of animal husbandry" should be based on the technical systems of the mathematical model and specific technical developments of devices and technologies for the preparation of protein feed. For the preparation of protein feed in the free running and granular types in order to reduce the energy intensity of the process and improve its quality, the line for its implementation under patent No. 2646092 and the method according to patent No. 2636480 were developed. The design and technological process of its work are given. A system for the preparation of protein feed was developed on the basis of the general theory of systems. The analysis in this area showed the absence of systemic studies on the preparation of protein feed based on the general theory of the system as applied to «accurate technology of animal husbandry», namely, in «accurate technology of preparation of protein feed» using a multimedia device that controls the process. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a mathematical model based on the theory of the general system with respect to the exact technology of preparation of protein feed. The developed mathematical model allowed to increase the nutritional value of protein feed, as well as to expand their range for feeding cattle, namely for each species of agricultural animal with its physiological peculiarity and need for them, and to improve the environment ecology.

About the authors

I. E Priporov

Kuban State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering


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