The development of the technical concept of the tractor

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The development of the technical concept of an agricultural wheeled tractor is analyzed depending on the continuous growth of its energy saturation, as an indispensable factor in raising the technical level. The technological properties and methods of aggregating tractors of three generations of energy saturation called traction, traction energy and energy concepts, are considered. At present, in the world tractor construction, tractors of the traction concept are almost out of production; tractors of power traction and, to a lesser extent, energy concepts, are mainly produced. Tractors of the second generation differ from tractors of the first generation that they include ballast in a factory complete set. Ballasting has become a necessary way to artificially increase the weight of the tractor and reduce its energy saturation due to the limitation of the speed of technological operations, introduced by the rules of agricultural engineering. It is assumed that in the foreseeable future this restriction will not be removed. Even now, ballasting as a way to compensate for the weight loss of the tractor has almost exhausted its possibilities, because ballast weights reach half of the tractor weight and more. As the tractor continues to increase its energy saturation and maintains limitations on the speed of technological operations, the ballasting will require replacement. The article proposes instead of ballasting the use of a third movable axle and a block-modular aggregation system, as well as the use of electric transmission on the third-generation tractors and an active drive to the motor-wheel of agricultural machinery. It is shown that the second generation tractors have potential technological properties that can be implemented under the condition of competent and easy to operate maneuvering level of ballasting. In general, the use of tractors of the second and third generations of traction energy and energy concepts will significantly reduce: the material intensity of machine tractor unit; fuel consumption; the harmful effects of tractor propellers on the soil, variability (the difference of tractors in terms of the nominal tractive force on the hook) of tractors in the economy.

About the authors

G. M Kut'kov

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Institute of Engineering and energy named after V.P. Goryachkin

DSc in Engineering


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