Justification of the width of the outlet of the screw conveyor and distributor

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The subject of the research is a screw conveyor-distributor of grain with an empty hole along its casing. This design eliminates the need for leveling the grain mound, moving the conveyor or using a rotary tray to evenly distribute the unloaded grain. The purpose of the study is to find the dependence of the width of the outlet hole on the parameters of the conveyor-distributor. A laboratory installation was made and studies were conducted on the expiration of wheat grain through a drain hole of various widths. Laboratory installation is a container made of plastic rectangular pipe open at the top. The transverse membranes are inserted at an equal distance into it. They divide the entire capacity along its length compartments. In the bottom of the pipe, a hole in the form of a slot of constant width is made. Eruptive hole is closed from the bottom of the side retractable flap. Under the discharge opening, trays were installed, each under its own compartment, into which the grain is poured. Having removed the valve, with the help of time-lapse videotape, the time was taken during which the grain was completely poured through the empty hole. An experiment with different width of the outlet holes and with different mass of grain in the compartments was conducted. The width of the hole was changed from 7 to 13 mm. It has been established that under conditions of limited height of the grain column above the hole, the flow rate through the drain hole does not depend on the height of the grain column above the hole. The dependence of a single grain flow on the width of an outlet is constructed. When the width of the outlet hole is 7 mm the outflow of grain does not occur. An expression is obtained that describes the shape of the outlet hole, depending on the design-mode parameters of the screw conveyor. A graph showing the shape of the outlet hole with the given design-mode parameters of the screw conveyor was constructed.

About the authors

I. E Bychkov

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy

Email: kupreenkoai@mail.ru

A. I Kupreenko

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy

Email: kupreenkoai@mail.ru
DSc in Engineering

T. V Bychkova

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy

Email: kupreenkoai@mail.ru
PhD in Pedagogics

H. M Isaev

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy

Email: kupreenkoai@mail.ru
PhD in Economics


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Copyright (c) 2018 Bychkov I.E., Kupreenko A.I., Bychkova T.V., Isaev H.M.

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