Influence of the deseeding device design on the air flow characteristics in the combing chamber of the flax harvester

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The speed and airflow distribution at the exits window of the combing chamber of flax harvester were studied. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of the design of the deseeding combing device on the speed and distribution of the airflow at the outlet of the comb-chamber. Standard metric technique was used to detect the average air speed by examining the field of airflows. In the experiment, the serial and new designed deseeding devices were installed on an laboratory facility that allows modeling the processes of combing of flax stems and heaping. The experiment was carried out at a drum rotation frequency of 230, 280 and 330 min-1. Mathematical processing of the data was carried out with «Stadia»© and «MS Excel»© programs. The graphs of airflows’ distribution at the outlet of comb chamber are presented. Obtained equations shows regressions of the speed of the airflow from the speed of the combing drum. It is concluded that the airflow over the cross-sectional area at outlet of window in deseeding device is unequal. The highest flow rate occurs in the upper and left parts of the window. It is established that the change in the design of the stripper device has practically no effect on the average speed of the air flow. Speed of the combing devices in rate of 275...285 min-1. have been recommended to use as an optimal one.

About the authors

D. A Shishin

All Russian Research Institute for Flax Production (VNIIML)



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