Initial requirements for magnetic grain disinfection equipment

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The article is devoted to the disinfection of grain and seeds of agricultural plants in the agro-industrial complex. The pesticides, systemic fungicides, used for this purpose, in particular, lead to the development of resistance of parasitic microorganisms, as well as toxicological consequences for the environment and humans. The article suggests a new method of decontamination using a variable magnetic field of low frequency. The subject of the research was the regularities of the process of magnetic disinfection and the characteristics of technical means for its implementation. The purpose of the research is the development of initial requirements for the equipment for magnetic disinfection of grain, constructive proposals for the creation of such equipment. Research methods included analysis of internal processes in biomaterials under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, analysis of the parameters of the devices necessary to create the required field. On the basis of analytical studies, the initial requirements for magneto-disinfecting equipment and its main part - the electromagnet are formulated. An example of the practical implementation of a device that meets the initial requirements is given. The device is an electromagnet based on an asynchronous motor. The principle of magnetic decontamination and the proposed device have been tested experimentally: for the wheat grain with a total infection of fungal and bacterial infections 41 % (controlled), the reduction was achieved to 17-12 %. Critical characteristics of asynchronous motors are considered and it is concluded that certain types of engines are most consistent with the initial requirements and, therefore, are the best basis for the proposed device. In general conclusions, the 5AI112MB8, 5AI112MB6 or similar engines are recommended, while it is noted that devices based on them can work in parallel in a general decontamination unit, which multiplies the productivity. The final conclusion shows the perspective of the new technology associated with the elimination of the disadvantages of chemical etching and the advantages over other electrophysical methods in the uniformity of processing, energy efficiency, compactness and low equipment cost, the absence of harmful emissions and emissions.

About the authors

A. I Pahomov

«Agrarian Scientific Center «Donskoy»

DSc in Engineering


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