Influence of the speed of the floating conveyor on the separating ability of the bottom of the inclined chamber

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The results of a laboratory experiment confirming the possibility of preliminary separation of free grain from a combed grain heap prior to its entry into the threshing chamber of a combine harvester are presented. In particular, it is proposed to provide the inclined chamber with a special perforated trellised bottom having elongated holes of a rectangular shape. All research was carried out on the wheat of the variety called Moscow 56. The moisture content of the grain was about 12 %. The speed of the floating conveyor had six levels of variation within the range of 0,5 ... 3 m/s. The angle of inclination of the experimental setup to the horizon was assumed equal to 45 °. The feeding of the combed grain heap was about 10 kg / s with the content of 80% of free grain in it. So according to the results of scientific research it is established that as the speed of the floating conveyor increases, the amount of free grain of the grating bottom that has passed through the holes decreases, and the amount of grain that has descended from it, on the contrary, increases. In this case, the maximum free grain (31,3 %) corresponds to the maximum speed of the floating conveyor (3 m/s). This is due to the fact that during the series of experiments, the length of the separation grid was insufficient. For this purpose, the nature of the process of preliminary separation of free grain from the tow grain heap along the length of the lattice bottom is considered. Extrapolation of this process shows that the length of the lattice bottom, which ensures the complete liberation of free grain from the tow grain heap, should be not less than 1,17 m. The practical implementation of such a technical solution in the construction of a modern combine harvester will increase its productivity when combing plants on the root, while at the same time excluding the possibility of crushing free grain by the working bodies of the threshing device.

About the authors

V. N Ozherel'ev

Bryansk State Technical University

DSc in Agriculture

V. V Nikitin

Bryansk State Technical University

PhD in Engineering

V. F Komogorcev

Bryansk State Technical University

PhD in Physics and Mathematics


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Copyright (c) 2018 Ozherel'ev V.N., Nikitin V.V., Komogorcev V.F.

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