Selection of accelerated test modes for the head of cylinder of the automobile diesel engine

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The possibilities of a prediction of the heads of cylinder durability of the automotive diesel engines at the design stage and their completion to specified parameters, especially for reliability are considered. Since diesel engines operate in the unsteady modes, the main load is not only mechanical, but also thermal. At that, it occurs when the operating modes of the diesel engine change. The most loaded sections in the cylinder head are the bridges between the inlet and exhaust valves, as well as the bridges between the nozzle holes and inlet and exhaust valves. Under the influence of the thermal load, the distortions of the crystal lattice appear in the sections of the cylinder head at first, which leads to the appearance in some direction in which the greatest tangential stresses act, tears, gradually change under the influence of alternating stresses in the crack. When the total accumulated damage reaches a certain critical value, and the crack substantially weakens the cross section, fatigue failure occurs. To ensure the reliability of the diesel engine in operation, it is necessary to choose such methods of calculation and testing that would ensure a specified durability of the cylinder head. Since the reliability check in operation takes considerable time, that accelerated testing is used to reduce the test time. The place occupied by the accelerated tests in the design of diesel engines, as well as the sequence of the formation of their program are considered. It is shown that in practice it is possible to achieve only a certain degree of change in the technical condition of the cylinder head due to the degree of completeness of the accounting of the interacting operational loads and their distortion during reproduced on the test equipment. Possible modes of testing the cylinder heads on a non-motorized thermal bench are proposed with the aim of a determination their durability. They correspond to the modes of accelerated tests for the reliability of the automobile diesel engines. The problem of convergence of the results at accelerated tests and the data under operating conditions is considered.

About the authors

A. N Gots

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

DSc in Engineering

V. S Klevtsov

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs



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