The method for calculating the traction resistance of a flat disk

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Scuffler with flat discs are widely used in areas, which are subject to wind erosion of soils, to cover moisture on the stubble fields. Flat discs do not wrap the layers they remove, but only loosen them, shifting them aside. It is preferable to use such scrapers during presowing tillage and on steam, since in this case there is less sputtering of the soil, and its lower (moist) layers are not carried to the surface. Therefore, many industrially manufactured scufflers are equipped with flat discs, and the task of constructing a mathematical model for the interaction of such discs with soil is topical. Many mathematical models of the disc-soil interaction, taking into account the distribution of soil reaction forces on the disk, have been proposed, but all these models were constructed assuming that the disk is moving in its plane. Therefore, they are not applicable to the disk of a lakeshield moving with a non-zero angle of attack in the soil. The purpose of this work is to construct a mathematical model that allows calculating the traction resistance of a disk moving with a given angle of attack. The basic assumptions made in the construction of this model: the speed of the translational movement of the disk and its depth are constant; friction in the disk bearing can be neglected; the soil pressure on the lateral surface of the disc and the force of the soil reactions per unit length of its blade can be replaced by their mean values. An explicit expression is obtained for the traction resistance of a disk of a scuffler moving with an angle of attack, depending on its relative depth, the angle of attack, and the empirical coefficients. The adequacy of the constructed mathematical model is confirmed by comparison with known experimental data. It makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of full-scale experiments on the study of the interaction of flat discs of a scuffler with the soil, replacing them with computational ones, and reasonably carry out power and strength calculations of such discs. In addition, it can be used to optimize the parameters of the flat discs of the scuffler.

About the authors

A. P Akimov

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

DSc in Engineering

Yu. V Konstantinov

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering


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