Indication of the working process of the tractor diesel working on natural gas and alcohols

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The article deals with the use of natural gas and alcohol-fuel emulsions as an alternative fuel for tractor diesel. A distinctive feature of the processes of mixture formation and combustion in a diesel operating on natural gas with a burning portion of diesel fuel, and alcohol-fuel emulsions, will be compared with the diesel process heterogeneity of the fuel mixture in terms of cylinder volume, there is a completely different fuel evaporation and no coincidence in time of the processes of formation of fuel-air mixture and its combustion. Consequently, the use of alternative fuels with different chemical composition and local conditions leads to distinctive indicators of the combustion process. Therefore, for the scientific representation of the actual picture of the combustion process of diesel running on natural gas and alcohol-fuel emulsions, the indexing of its working process and a detailed description of the combustion process is carried out. At the same time, for the indexing of the diesel working process, the composition of alternative fuel was used when working on natural gas: gas-80 %, the ignition portion of diesel fuel-20 %; when working on alcohol-fuel emulsions: alcohol (methanol or ethanol) - 25 %, detergent-dispersing additive succinimide C-5A - 0,5 %, water - 7 %, diesel fuel - 67,5 %. As a result of the experimental studies, the dependences of the influence of the 4F 11,0/12,5 diesel modes on natural gas, natural gas with different degrees of exhaust gas recirculation (used to reduce the content of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases), methanol and ethanol fuel emulsions on the combustion process were established. The optimal values of the combustion process parameters during the operation of the diesel engine on alternative fuels of these compositions are determined.

About the authors

V. A Lihanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

DSc in Engineering

O. P Lopatin

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2018 Lihanov V.A., Lopatin O.P.

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