Comparative analysis of the consumer characteristics of needle and tooth harrows

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In modern agricultural production, especially in areas of insufficient moisture, needle harrows-hoes and tooth harrows are widely used. The purpose of these groups of tools are generally alike, however, there are separate functional features. Their knowledge, possession of objective information on consumer characteristics of these tools will allow to form more rational structure of Park of cars of the agricultural enterprises, to organize their effective operation and will promote further improvement of designs of tools. The aim of the present study is a generalized comparative analysis of operational and economic characteristics and agrotechnical performance of needle harrows-hoes and tooth harrows. To achieve this goal, the study collected information about the main operational and agrotechnical characteristics of tooth harrows and harrow-hoes that were tested at the machine-testing stations of our country. The analysis of the obtained results allowed to conclude that the use of needle harrows in comparison with tooth harrows provides an increase in the productivity of aggregates by an average of 13...20 %, a decrease in the field surface crests by 15 % (3 mm), an increase in soil crumbling by 7 %. In equal conditions harrows-hoes damage 3...7 times less cultivated plants than tooth harrows. The fuel consumption and the uneven depth of tillage aggregates with a needle and Zubov harrows provided approximately the same performance. At the same time harrows hoes 1,83 times more metal than tooth and more labor-intensive in service. In General, it can be concluded that the performance characteristics and agrotechnical performance of needle harrows are higher than the ones, however, economic-lower.

About the authors

Ya. V Eremenko

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of the Don State Agrarian University


A. Yu Nesmiyan

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of the Don State Agrarian University

DSc in Engineering

A. K Kulakov

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of the Don State Agrarian University


S. V Asaturyan

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of the Don State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2018 Eremenko Y.V., Nesmiyan A.Y., Kulakov A.K., Asaturyan S.V.

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