Rational compositions of the machine and tractor fleet on the basis of a universal power facility

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Agriculture in Russia is characterized by a wide range of soil-climatic and production conditions. This causes a huge variety of crop rotations, farm sizes, technologies used, types and amounts of work, which in turn determines the structure and composition of the machine and tractor fleet. Scientific and technological progress makes it possible to achieve ever greater universalization and multifunctionality, not only in the construction of agricultural machinery and implements, but also recently in the designs of energy facilities. Promising is the creation of a universal energy means able to perform the full complex of works on tillage, planting, cultivation and harvesting of crops that will improve their annual load and efficiency. However, for the introduction of advanced technology into production operation, it is neces-sary to conduct its comprehensive technological and technical and economic assessment at all stages of design. For this purpose, the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Don-skoy» carried out calculations to determine fleet sizes of three standard model farms representing the regions of the south of Russia (the Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Regions) with different ver-sions of their configuration. The sets of aggregates of machine-tractor fleets were considered: on the basis of only a universal power facility that performs the entire range of works in field cultivation; on the basis of serial production only; with a combination on the basis of a universal power facility and serial equip-ment of various types and brands. It is established that the use of aggregates on the basis of a universal energy source combined with aggregates based on traditional mobile power engineering will reduce the direct operating costs for mechanized works by 8...27 %, increase net discounted income by 11...13 %. The subject of the study are the compositions of the machine and tractor fleet for various production con-ditions and options for completing.

About the authors

Yu. O Goryachev

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering

A. I Bur'yanov

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

Email: burjanov 2015@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering

A. I Dmitrenko

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2017 Goryachev Y.O., Bur'yanov A.I., Dmitrenko A.I.

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