Investigation of viscoelastic state of soil under the influence of active surface of the tillage roller

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Universal combined tillage machines combine several processing steps. The final soil cultivation operation is performed by soil-processing machine, which works on loosened soil. Uniform compaction of the subsurface layer is able to be created by soil cultivating rollers with an active working surface. The surface of the roller, which contains elastic elements, increases the vertical load. The shock loading, characterized by intensive impact on the soil, is considered preferable. The advantage of this roller construction is the integration of external loading and automatic tuning to a rational operating mode. The study of the process of soil compaction can be carried out by analogy with the process of soil compaction. The model of the system includes the mass of the working body m, the mass of the deformed soil volume M, the soil stiffness element C, and the soil viscosity element B. The volume of soil deformed by compression is a truncated cone with a height h. Initially, there are compressive stresses in the soil volume directly at the points of contact with the working body. Then instantly, large clods of soil are destroyed, and the surface particles are displaced (compacted). Further, the crushed soil particles transfer pressure to the neighboring ones, involving more and more particles with lateral expansion. As a result of compression deformation, a compacted subsurface layer of the required density is formed. The proposed model can serve as a first approximation for further, more detailed and expanded studies of the stress-strain state of the soil with the possibility of determining the dependencies of the structural parameters and operating conditions of the soil-working compactor.

About the authors

Yu. A Semenikhina

North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

PhD in Engineering


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