Selection of the methanol-rapeseed emulsion composition for its using as fuel for a diesel engine

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The aim of the research is a preparation and a conducting of the theoretical research work of optimal quantitative and qualitative composition of the methanol-rapeseed emulsion for an application as an alternative fuel for the diesel engine, since the most effective way to improve the quality of these processes is an approximation of the biofuel’s qualities on the basis of vegetables oils to the standard diesel fuel properties. The methodology and results of the planning of a complete three-factor experiment on the determination of the qualitative and quantitative methanol-rapeseed emulsion composition are reported. The methodology provides a determination of emulsifier quantity, a content of methanol in the emulsion and a multiplicity of its homogenization for obtaining the maximum emulsion’s stability time. Within the framework of an experiment planning a plan of the experiment of selected variable indicators are conducted, coefficients of an equation of the mathematical model are determined, statistical estimation of the adequacy of the mathematical model is carried out, the contour diagrams with the possibility of identifying an extremum point. The experiment under review is defined as a complete three-factor experiment. Equations of the mathematical model with an account of all changing indicators and an account of a constant index - the multiplicity of homogenization have been obtained. Analysis of the results of the experiment planning shows a significance of obtained model by the Student's t-test and an adequacy of the model equation by the Fisher’s exact test, and as a consequence the applicability for solving production-prescription problems. The extremum of response function of the model equation corresponds to the values of factors: concentration of emulsifier - 5,376 %, content of methanol - 29,38 %, rate of homogenization - 3. The stability time of the emulsion at these values is 14,513 minutes. The results of conducted investigations support a possibility of the methanol-rapeseed emulsion application as motor fuel for the diesel engine D-242.

About the authors

A. V Shemyakin

Ryazan State Agrotechnological University

DSc in Engineering

V. V Terent'ev

Ryazan State Agrotechnological University

PhD in Engineering

Yu. A Panov

Tver State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering

A. A Ivanov

Tver State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2017 Shemyakin A.V., Terent'ev V.V., Panov Y.A., Ivanov A.A.

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