The characteristic of innovations of working bodies for sowing in technology of soil-free tillage and sowing

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The science-intensive resource-saving technology of sowing seeds of various agricultural crops with simultaneous non-contact application of seeds and fertilizers in conditions of insufficient moistening with the use of created controlled system blocks to sowing and tillage machines and aggregates has been developed. Seeds and fertilizers are placed at different depths of the embankment with the creation of a compacted soil bed for seeds, performed in the subsoil horizon in accordance with agrotechnical requirements. To reduce energy processes in soil cultivating and sowing machines, electrical or electronic analogs are introduced or completely replaced in mechanical devices, control of which is provided by subsystems of frequency control of working processes adapted to the properties of seeds and the conditions of operation of the units. In the process of sowing, the seeds, fertilizer and prepared seedbed with the given agro-technical conditions are exposed to a frequency field that changes both the boundary and the bulk forces that arise in the modes of technological processes. The working hypothesis is taken that the uniformity of the simultaneous sowing of seeds and fertilizers with different sowing rates can be achieved by bringing the density of materials to the identical view in the field of vibration, providing a stable flow of velocity of the material and the uniformity of its mass flow rate. Certain parameters of the working organs that perform agrotechnical processes with the vibration of technical systems during the sowing of materials and the creation of a compacted bed for seeds are determined. Certain parameters of the working bodies that perform agrotechnical processes with the vibration of technical systems during the sowing of materials and the creation of a compacted bed for seeds are determined. There are presented variants of the developed technological devices, both newly created and retrofitted existing batteries with spherical disks equipped with hydropneumatic cylinders, providing damping of vibrations of working elements to reduce uniformity of the seedbed. The levels of compliance of the indicators of technological processes performed by the developed devices, to agrotechnical requirements for sowing are shown.

About the authors

N. M Bespamyatnova

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

DSc in Engineering

Yu. A Bespamyatnov

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»


A. A Kolin'ko

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»



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Copyright (c) 2017 Bespamyatnova N.M., Bespamyatnov Y.A., Kolin'ko A.A.

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