Modeling the operation of a screw L-shaped knife of a tiller

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During the operation, standard L-shaped knives are exposed to various loads. The shape of the L-shaped knife blades does not meet the requirement of performing sliding cutting, which leads to an increase in the energy intensity of milling the soil. To ensure optimal cutting conditions without weed-covering and knife blocking, it is necessary that in any section of the blade (in the plane of rotation) the angle of its setting у (cutting) is constant. Therefore, the blade of the knife should be made on a screw line, which will ensure its smooth entry and sliding cutting when moving in the soil. The purpose of the study is to improve the quality and reduce the energy consumption of soil cultivation by selecting a rational angle for installing the blade and optimizing the parameters of the screwed L-shaped cutter blades. To study the work and the loading process of the screw L-shaped cutter knife, the finite element method was used from the APM FEM application library of the KOMPAS-3D system. The design of the knife was broken into elements to show their movements and deformations through the displacements of the boundary points (knots) of the element, then the nodal displacements, deformations and stresses were determined. In the course of the study, the dependence of the values of linear displacements and stress values was studied depending on the angle of installation of the knife blade (у = 35° ... 60°). The results of the study showed that as the angle of the blade was increased to у = 60 °, the total linear displacements decreased by 18 % reaching 0,6978 mm, compared to у = 35 ° (0,8455 mm) at a maximum load of 2000 N. The knife with an installation angle у = 60° has safety factor values higher than a knife with у = 35° for all load stages (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 N). The screw knife with a large installation angle is most suitable for milling soil with slip, which is typical for sod processing. As a result of the research it was proposed to use knives with a screw working surface for milling the soil with high quality.

About the authors

S. B Dranyaev

N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University


M. N Chatkin

N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University

DSc in Engineering

S. M Koryavin

N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Dranyaev S.B., Chatkin M.N., Koryavin S.M.

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