Methodology for the development of agricultural modular aggregates

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The territories of agricultural regions of Russia are subdivided into subzones with different climatic and soil conditions, crop rotations and technologies, annual volumes and terms of work that determine the structure and composition of machine and tractor parks. In the designs of traditional technical means, as they were improved, the application of science and technology achievements was increased, ensuring an increase in the productivity of machines with a faster growth in their prices. An increase in the annual load of modern mobile energy facilities, which could significantly reduce the cost of their work, is limited by the agrotechnical timing of their implementation. Obviously, one of the ways to improve the efficiency of technical means is to combine the functions performed by different types of machines, for example, tractor and harvesting machines in one unit based on the power tool. Implementing the potential of such units will not always succeed. This is possible only if the periods of peak loads of machines for different purposes do not coincide, taking into account the specific functioning of the machine and tractor fleet of the agricultural enterprise of a certain type of activity in a particular region. At the same time, in addition to solving traditional tasks related to the development of constructive and technological circuits for mobile power equipment of a new generation with sets of replaceable adapter modules, a whole series of new problems arise, for the solution of which it is necessary to develop a set of methods for their implementation or methodology. The subject of the article's research is the methodology for the development of modular aggregates based on frame and replacement technological systems for agricultural enterprises taking into account the specifics of the current market and zonal conditions. The purpose of the study is to systematize and disclose methodological aspects of the development of modular aggregates for machine and tractor parks. The use of modular aggregates on the example of one model of an agricultural enterprise will ensure a reduction of capital investments in the machine and tractor fleet and operating costs for its maintenance by more than 17 and 14 % respectively, while a simultaneous increase in net discounted income by more than 53 %.

About the authors

A. I Dmitrenko

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

Email: burjanov
PhD in Engineering

A. I Bur'yanov

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

Email: burjanov
DSc in Engineering

Yu. O Goryachev

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

Email: burjanov
PhD in Engineering


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