The device for automatic locking of inter-wheel differential of wheeled tractor

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The efficient operation of the wheeled tractor is largely determined by such operating property as permeability. To increase it, the automatic interlock differential locking systems are used, which block it only when the wheeled tractor turns, and in case of rectilinear motion the differential is in the unlocked state. This reduces the permeability of the wheeled tractor in severe road conditions with its rectilinear movement. The authors propose an automatic device for locking and unlocking an inter-wheel differential operating on the basis of a generalized information parameter-the difference in the frequencies of rotation of the driving wheels of one axis when the tractor moves both in straight run and during turning. It consists of a device switch, a clutch with friction discs to lock the differential; Hydraulic actuation of its operation, consisting of a tank, a pump, a reducing valve, an electromagnetic two-position spool with a winding; two speed sensors of the first and second driving wheels; adder with two inputs and an output, inputs connected to the first and second speed sensors; amplifier output connected to the coil of the spool. When it reaches the set difference of speeds of the wheels of the drive axle is generated a control voltage which is amplified and fed to the winding spool. Moving, it ensures the inclusion of the differential lock. When the difference in the rotational speeds of the driving wheels is reduced to zero, the inter-wheel differential is automatically unlocked. The use of the developed device for automatic control of interlocking and unlocking of the inter-wheel differential, in comparison with the known, provides increased permeability of the wheeled tractor.

About the authors

V. P Laubach

Belarusian-Russian University

Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev

V. V Gerashchenko

Belarusian-Russian University

Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev

N. A Kovalenko

Belarusian-Russian University

Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev


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Copyright (c) 2017 Laubach V.P., Gerashchenko V.V., Kovalenko N.A.

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