Bearing and technological systems for building agricultural aggregates

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As a result of the technical re-equipment of machine and tractor parks of agricultural enterprises, recently technological units of a new generation appear on the fields. The principal difference of such units is not only in their constructive modular design, but also in the aggregation of their mobile power tools or universal energy facilities with replaceable adapter modules. The classification of composite elements for the construction of such modular aggregates based on mobile power tools and universal power facilities - as their carrier systems and a set of replaceable adapter modules - as technological systems has been performed. Objects of the classification of load-bearing systems are subdivided according to their type, a number of the main distinctive features associated with the principle of aggregate formation, the performance of their running chassis, the integration of technological systems with bearing systems, the design features of location or the presence of separate composite units and mechanisms - power plant, control cabin , mechanism for replacing the plug-in adapters and others. For the objects of technological systems, distinctive features are identified that are associated with the processes performed and the purpose of the replaceable adapter modules, their design execution, and also with the ways of their aggregation with mobile power facilities and universal energy resources. Given the brand commercially cultivated machines, prototypes of promising conceptual designs. In the course of the patent studies, a number of security documents (patents) used in the designs of developed models and advanced units developed relating to technical and technological solutions were identified. The technical and economic assessment of the functioning of machine and tractor parks using the example of models of agricultural enterprises in the subareas of the regions of southern Russia predicted that the use of machine and tractor parks based on new generation units (mobile energy facilities with sets of plug-in adapters) will reduce the need for power machines, levels of costs for the recruitment of new equipment of machine and tractor parks and their operation.

About the authors

A. I Dmitrenko

SSE "ARC "Donskoy"

Email: burjanov
PhD in Engineering

A. I Bur'yanov

SSE "ARC "Donskoy"

Email: burjanov
DSc in Engineering

Yu. O Goryachev

SSE "ARC "Donskoy"

Email: burjanov
PhD in Engineering


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