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Perspective structures of machine and tractor units for combination of technological operations when performing of the field mechanized works are offered. Combination is based on the operations coinciding on agrotechnical terms of the performed works: introduction of mineral fertilizers - stubble processing of the soil; hulling of an eddish - application of fertilizers; chisel plowing soils - introduction of mineral fer-tilizers; crops of intermediate cultures - processing of the soil and etc. Efficiency of combination is determined by higher quality of the performed works without gap by time, moisture economy, elimination of the losses brought in the soil of materials (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), respect for threading and rhythm of production processes, decrease in need for the equipment and a labor power and all cost types (labor, cash, energy). All this promotes increase in competitiveness of the made products. Completion of the offered new structures of multipurpose aggregates is based on use of the serial basic machines checked in production (deep-rippers, plows, cultivators, disk tools, seeders, etc.) equipped with various devices for introduction of mineral fertilizers, seeds, their seal which are also checked in or-dinary operation to the soil on the optimum depth and a compacting of crops. Except economic effect of combination of transactions by the provided aggregates are obvious agro-nomical and cost efficiency: decrease in consolidation and a puddled condition of the soil that influences its fertility, complete use of soil moisture that guarantees amicable shoots and future harvest.

About the authors

G. G Maslov

Kuban state agricultural university named after I.T. Trubilin

DSc in Engineering

I. A Zhury

Kuban state agricultural university named after I.T. Trubilin



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