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Following the results of the international Agrosalon 2016 exhibition both quantitative, and qualitative indicators of the domestic market of farm tractors are estimated. Dynamics of the market of new tractors in physical calculation is provided by statistics of the last nine years. Quality assessment of the market was carried out on indicators: propeller type, rated power and nominal towing force based on the models of: universal, row crop and general purpose tractors presented at the market and offered in advertizing documents. New approach to market research of tractors is distribution of set of models not only on capacity as it is accepted everywhere, but also on towing classes. The last allows to estimate not only power, but also towing opportunities of tractors that it is important as the tractor is mainly the towing machine. The following features of the domestic market of tractors are noted. The prevalence of wheel tractors 4K4a which was outlined in to and post-crisis years remains. The maximum tractor size in it to group - the tractor power of 300 kW and a towing class 5 (Claas Axion 950). In group 4K4b tractors capacity 50-90 kW (a towing class 1,4), St. 90-130 kW (a towing class 2), St. 130-180 kW (a towing classes 2,3,4) prevail. Interest of participants of the market to powerful wheel 4K4b (power to 450-480 kW, traction classes 6 and 8) and to caterpillar (power to 400-460 kW, towing class 8 and more) tractors increased. It is noted that general rule of creation of constructive tractors ranks of the leading firms is the engine capacity, and devlopment of ranks goes with an advancing growth of driving function over towing. The overview of the models of tractors provided or advertized by firms with indication of features of a design is provided. It is emphasized that the Salon showed not decreasing activity of the largest manufacturers of farm tractors in the market of the Russian Federation.

About the authors


Moscow polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering


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