Influence of technology level of fuel on the efficiency of operation of internal combustion engines of motor-and-tractor vehicles

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The effect of energoinformational field created by Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles on the fuel and on fuel supply system of internal combustion engines leads to the improvement of operational performance of motor-and-tractor vehicles. Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles is a centrifugal-vortex source creating a stream of particles in vertical direction. The stream of particles affects any device in its area of influence. The principle of Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles is based on the energoinformational concept of the structure of matter and on effects generated by gravity waves. Today the mechanism of this interaction in terms of classical science is understudied. Studies carried out on an automated test bench system in Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering are aimed at quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effect occasioned by bombardment of fuel and internal combustion engine with heavy particles stream. The obtained results show a positive effect of Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles on operational parameters of internal combustion engines. Primarily it’s the increasing of fuel efficiency and reducing of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The comprehensive research will allow to form conceptual framework of the effect of Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles on the technology level of used fuel, as well as assess the impact of this level on the efficiency of motor-and-tractor vehicles in general. The aim of further researches in the subject area is to study the systemic effects that occur during the operation of Kozyrev’s generator of heavy particles.

About the authors

M. A Kerimov

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University

DSc in Engineering Saint Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia

R. N Safiullin

Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

DSc in Engineering Saint Petersburg, Russia

A. V Marusin

Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Engineer Saint Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Kerimov M.A., Safiullin R.N., Marusin A.V.

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