Technology of solid mineral fertilizers application by means of STA-5TM transport-technological unit as part of specialized Ural-432065 vehicle chassis

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The research of process operations for transport-technological unit is of particular interest for the assessment of economic efficiency of operation. Features of process operations are studied on the example of the transport-technological unit with STA-5TM replaceable technological superstructure for solid mineral fertilizers application based on specialized all-wheel drive Ural-432065 vehicle chassis. Common methods of scientific organization of labor serve as theoretical basis for the development of process technology of mechanized operations in agriculture, by analogy with the technology of performance of various works in industrial plants. During solid mineral fertilizers application special attention is payed to the proper organization, full mechanization of work, observance of deadlines, application rate and uniformity of fertilization. The STA-5TM technological superstructure provides application of the established rate with adjustment interval of 0.05 t/ha and motion speed of the unit up to 12 km/hour. Before the operation, the transport-technological unit should be prepared and adjusted for qualitative performance of the process. Setting value of fertilizer application rate is determined with the use of a slide rule and depends on the fertilizer grade, grasp width, operating speed, standard rate of fertilizer usage. For standard application rate, the desired position of main slide gate of batcher and the speed of conveyor belt are determined. Calculation results of kinematic characteristics of the transport-technological unit during mineral fertilizers application for various ways of movement are presented. The technology of solid mineral fertilizers application by means of STA-5TM transport-technological unit as part of specialized Ural-432065 vehicle chassis provides the ability to improve the operation efficiency with the growth of labor productivity and reduction of cost of the final product.

About the authors

A. S Shkel'

Moscow Technological University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

M. A Kozlovskaya

Central research and development automobile and engine institute NAMI

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

T. D Dzotsenidze

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Shkel' A.S., Kozlovskaya M.A., Dzotsenidze T.D.

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