General technical and technological requirements to the system of innovative machine technologies and machinery

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The technical and technological requirements to the system of machines are given now only for certain groups of technical means, which does not reflect the values and development of the entire system. The paper deals with the basic general requirements to the system, including aspects of technological and technical basis for sustainable food and raw materials supply for Russia's economic security and formation of technical policy. The system of basic technologies is defined; it should consist of a set of machine process modules that are necessary for the implementation of the entire set of operations of agricultural production. It is found that a promising range of machinery must contain technologically, technically and economically optimal set of standard series, including their constituent equipment with indication of modifications and models in production, united by common economic purpose and complete production technology. It is noted that the developed ranges of the technical means should comply with the progressive innovation trends of scientific and technical and technological progress. It is proposed to put into operation the systematized basic requirements for all main types of agricultural machinery. They should reflect the typical basic indicators for each type of machine. It is found that certain standard sizes of technical means require to cite only those indicators by which they differ from the basic model. The paper summarizes the requirements to the technical and economic efficiency of the system of technology and machinery with highlighting the innovations in the system.

About the authors

V. M Beylis

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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