Efficiency of technology of grain harvesting by means of combine stripping

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Grain harvesting on most farms in Russia lasts up to 25-30 days, because of the deficit of combines; that results to 30% harvest losses. With introduction of technology of grain harvesting by means of combine stripping, the performance of harvesting units is increased by 1.5-2 times, which allows to cut down the harvesting duration and to reduce the fuel consumption by 35-45%. But grain losses after passing of harvesting units are increased and the haulm stand appears on field, which stimulates moisture accumulation. Additional operation for haulm stand treatment is required, such as disk harrowing or chopping and spreading on field. According to the state standard no. 53056-2008, the efficiency of mechanized technologies and machine complexes is defined during formation of optimal structure of machine and tractor fleet for a typical farm, on the criteria of minimum of total costs. The paper deals with efficiency evaluation of technology of grain harvesting by means of combine stripping and of a traditional technology through comparing the total costs of work performance by means of optimal machine and tractor fleets of a typical farm. For that, earlier designed mathematical model and algorithm-program complex are improved. Investigations are performed on the example of a typical farm of the south of Rostov region with 5000 hectares of cultivated area. According to their results, it is found that for such farm the total costs are 31 499 thousands rubles in case of grain harvesting by means of stripping with duration of 10 days, and 35 325 thousands rubles in case of traditional technology with duration of 13 days.

About the authors

A. I Bur'yanov

North Caucasus Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification

Email: burjanov2015@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering Zernograd, Russia

Yu. O Goryachev

North Caucasus Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia

M. A Bur'yanov

North Caucasus Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bur'yanov A.I., Goryachev Y.O., Bur'yanov M.A.

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