Operational requirements to STA-5ZhO replaceable technological superstructure for transportation and subsoil application of liquid organic fertilizers based on Ural-432065 vehicle chassis

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The development of Ural-432065 specialized all-wheel vehicle chassis with STA-5ZhO replaceable technological superstructure complies with agrotechnical, safe operation and maintenance requirements. Safety requirements and warning descriptions are reflected in the service manual in both text and graphical forms. It is important to study the service manual before using. The relevant symbols are represented on the equipment in locations of working organs and servo units. The Ural-432065 chassis with STA-5ZhO replaceable technological superstructure is intended for transportation and subsoil application of liquid organic fertilizers. The assembly can also be used for community facilities on all types of roads and terrain. The STA-5ZhO superstructure is designed in the form of tank equipped with auxiliary mechanisms with hydraulic drive from the base vehicle chassis. General view of STA-5ZhO superstructure, its specifications, composition, principle of operation, operator control, hydraulic circuit description, electrical schematic diagram, features of operation and service are presented. The adjustment of organic fertilizer consumption at the input of distributor is provided by the installation of plain washer that allows to change the passage area of distributor pipe. Organic fertilizer consumption depends on its density and on the size of plain washer. Operation of STA-5ZhO replaceable technological superstructure for transportation and subsoil application of liquid organic fertilizers based on Ural-432065 vehicle chassis is provided by performance and technology standards, regulated by relevant documents, available and handy to the operator. Design capabilities and used constituent parts allow to increase the operating efficiency of the replaceable superstructure as a part of technological complexes with rise in labor productivity.

About the authors

A. S Shkel'

Moscow Technological University

Email: shkel-as@yandex.ru
PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

M. A Kozlovskaya

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

T. D Dzotsenidze

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Email: dtengiz@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Shkel' A.S., Kozlovskaya M.A., Dzotsenidze T.D.

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