Revival of domestic agricultural engineering is an urgent and important task of the state

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The United Nations Organization has called for the need to increase world food production by 70% to 2050. Russia has 9% of world agricultural land and 2% of population of the world, and could not only provide itself with the quality production, but supply the world market. However, today the state support of our agriculture and enterprises producing agricultural machinery is insufficient. One of the most important conditions of agricultural development is a large-scale revival of domestic agricultural engineering, one of the oldest industries of the country. The article presents extracts from the history of this industry, gives an overview of main features and development trends of domestic and foreign agricultural engineering. It is noted that in recent years production and development of domestic agricultural machinery has been reduced significantly. Being its key customer and consumer, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation stopped formerly active and useful participation in the development of technical means. Import of foreign machinery increased. But the imported machines do not always sufficiently conform to our conditions. The development of domestic production of agricultural machinery and its use are to be granted the status of top-priority task of the state. A set of measures is proposed for the implementation of this task. These measures will provide the necessary level of food security of the country, the welfare of population, the growth of food exports and raising Russia’s international standing.

About the authors

N. N Kolchin

ll-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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