New means of mechanization for fruit-tree nurseries in mountain and foothill areas of the North Caucasus

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The article describes the present state of mechanization of horticulture and fruit-tree nursery, analyses the mechanization of technological process of parent bushes hilling. Production of planting material for establishing new type orchards depends on the degree of mechanization of technological processes in fruit-tree nurseries, more specifically on the availability of special equipment for work in mountain and foothill areas on stony and heavy soils. At this stage, the urgent task is to increase the efficiency of work of fruit-tree nurseries with simultaneous reduction of labour and power intensity by means of mechanization of production processes based on new technologies and technical tools for cultivation of planting material. The new type orchards, as a rule, are short-growing, high-yielding and require a 5-6 times bigger planting stock compared to old type orchards. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify the production of transplants in fruit-tree nurseries of a new type, and to lay for it the industrial foundation with the use of mechanization means for the care of parent bushes. This intensification is only possible on the basis of application of modern industrial technologies of reproduction of planting material taking into account the landscapes of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania and the use of high-performance agricultural machinery, tractors and other equipment. The article proposes a technology and a combined unit for parent bushes hilling and row spacing cultivation, as well as a tent for budding of planting stock of fruit and berry crops when establishing the new orchards up to world standards. These devices allow to increase labour productivity under production of planting stock in conditions of mountain and foothill areas.

About the authors

S. M Dzhibilov

North Caucasus Research Institute for Mountain and Foothill Agriculture - branch of Vladikavkaz Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

PhD in Engineering Mikhaylovskoe, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Russia

L. R Gulueva

North Caucasus Research Institute for Mountain and Foothill Agriculture - branch of Vladikavkaz Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Engineer Mikhaylovskoe, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Russia

S. G Bestaev

North Caucasus Research Institute for Mountain and Foothill Agriculture - branch of Vladikavkaz Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Engineer Mikhaylovskoe, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Russia

Z. Kh Poraeva

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

Engineer Vladikavkaz, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Dzhibilov S.M., Gulueva L.R., Bestaev S.G., Poraeva Z.K.

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