Technology of accelerated processing of rough plant raw material and waste

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Analysis of domestic and foreign experience in obtaining of high-protein feed additives allowed to identify the most important technology and equipment for these purposes. It was revealed that traditional methods of preparation of these feed additives mostly include single-stage chopping and mixing. This is not enough for obtaining of homogeneous granulometric composition of high-quality mixture. The equipment in use has high energy and metal intensity. As a result of the study, innovative equipment is proposed, and physical models are made. The article suggests to use new effective methods of three-stage chopping of plant raw material and its transportation, as well as food waste grinding and two-stage mixing in aqueous media for obtaining homogeneous product. It is recommended to manufacture the equipment in modular construction, that allows to compose the series-produced technical means with new less energy-intensive ones for use on flow line. The main parameters of equipment operating modes are determined. The developed technical means involve the fundamentally new working organs, that provide three-stage chopping of low-value plant materials, their transportation and two-stage mixing with the use of adjustable blades. Such processing of raw material improves the performance characteristics of equipment, and allows to increase the production profitability in comparison with best foreign and domestic equivalents. For supplying of control systems with innovative technologies and equipment, it is recommended to use computer control system, created on the basis of mechatronic systems. Creation of equipment control system and application of new methods of chopping and mixing of rough plant and food waste allow to increase the performance of entire line by 35%, reduce the material and energy intensity by 34-40% with a payback period of 9 months.

About the authors

E. I Reznik

All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

S. G Kartashov

All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Reznik E.I., Kartashov S.G.

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