Implements for embedding of green manure into the surface soil in organic farming technology

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The article analyzes the ways of embedding of green manure into soil; it describes the design and technological schemes of implements which can be used in organic farming technology for realization of these ways. The purpose of the research is to develop the implements for embedding of stubble remains and green manure into the surface soil, which will increase the productivity and provide proper quality of technological process. It is an actual problem at present, when the use of stubble remains and green manure with other factors gives wide range of opportunities to increase the soil fertility. Theoretical and experimental methods used in the research are based on application of the fundamentals of agricultural mechanics, the theory of agricultural machines and measurement methods regulated by standards. The article presents the results of theoretical research that substantiates the design and technological schemes of two implements. The first implement is intended for plants shredding and mulch forming on the surface of soil; the second one is for shredding of green manure and stubble remains and their embedding into the surface soil. The parameters of compacting roller with shredding elements that is a basic working organ of both implements are substantiated. The results of experimental researches are presented; they confirm the results of theoretical research on substantiation of parameters of compacting roller. It is concluded that the use of suggested implements in organic farming technology provides high-quality plants shredding and mulch forming on the surface of soil, as well as shredding of green manure and stubble remains and their embedding into the surface soil.

About the authors

V. L Astaf'ev

Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification, Kostanay branch

DSc in Engineering Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan

S. I Bobkov

Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification, Kostanay branch

PhD in Engineering Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan

K. I Aleksentsev

Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification, Kostanay branch

Engineer Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan


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Copyright (c) 2016 Astaf'ev V.L., Bobkov S.I., Aleksentsev K.I.

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