Determination of performance indicators of machine-tractor unit by tractor characteristic with a sector of constant tractive power

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The article assesses the impact of variable load on energy and technical-economic indicators of machine-tractor unit. Dependencies have been obtained with the assumption that there is a sector of constant tractive power on tractive characteristic of a tractor.

About the authors

V. A Eviyev

Kalmykia State University

д-р техн. наук

P. V Bukadzhinov

Kalmykia State University


N. G Ochirov

Ukhta State Technical University

канд. техн. наук


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  2. Эвиев В.А. и др. Оптимальная зона функционирования ДПМ по эффективной мощности // Тракторы и сельхозмашины. - 2010, №8.

Copyright (c) 2015 Eviyev V.A., Bukadzhinov P.V., Ochirov N.G.

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