Wear investigations of working parts of machines and technological equipment

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Wear pattern on the working surfaces of concrete mixer blades can be explained mainly by change of mix pressure on different points of working edge. The rotating blade angled to the rotation plane moves the mix both to direction of moving and along the concrete mixer axe. When high abrasive mixes of different fraction composition are prepared, wear of the working surfaces on thickness results in deflection, deformation and destruction of the blade.

About the authors

B. M Orlov

Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

д-р техн. наук

M. A Karapetyan

Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

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Kh. A Abdulmazhidov

Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

Email: hamzat72@mail.ru
канд. техн. наук


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Copyright (c) 2014 Orlov B.M., Karapetyan M.A., Abdulmazhidov K.A.

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