Influence of using of methanol and rapeseed methyl ester on combustion process and effective indicators of 2Ч 10,5/12,0 diesel engine

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The article presents the results of research of working process of 2Ч 10,5/12,0 diesel engine operating on methanol and rapeseed methyl ester using binary system of fuel supply. Diagrams of influence of using methanol and rapeseed methyl ester on combustion process, power and economic indicators of diesel engine are given.

About the authors

V. A Likhanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

д-р техн. наук

R. R Devetyarov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

канд. техн. наук

A. V Fominykh

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy


V. N Kopchikov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy


M. I Araslanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy


A. N Kozlov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2015 Likhanov V.A., Devetyarov R.R., Fominykh A.V., Kopchikov V.N., Araslanov M.I., Kozlov A.N.

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