Development of the technology and technical means of direct sowing for dryland farming conditions

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BACKGROUND: Direct sowing of grain crops helps to significantly increase field germination and, consequently, the yield capacity under conditions of extreme moisture deficit. In this regard, the development of the direct sowing technology applied to the conditions of the South Urals, where severe droughts recur periodically, is a relevant task.

AIM: Increase of grain crops yield capacity in conditions of arid farming with the development of direct sowing technology that provides seed embedding in the moistened soil layer.

METHODS: Statistical data on hydrothermal conditions of crop cultivation in the South Urals were collected and analyzed. Laboratory and laboratory-field experiments were planned and conducted.

RESULTS: It has been found that droughts in the South Urals occur quite often. The moistened soil layers, in which it is necessary to embed seeds, are at a depth of 8...10 cm at these periods of time. Traditional sowing technologies are not capable of providing seed embedding in moist soil with the condition of high field germination. On the basis of the analysis of methods of direct sowing of grain crops, the technology, assuming seed embedding in moistened soil layer, is proposed. The design of a combined sowing section is developed and it consists of a support wheel, a slotted disk, a hoe coulter and a packer wheel. The design of the section considers the parallel-link attachment to the frame of the sowing facility, which ensures a stable depth of seed placement. Laboratory and laboratory-field experiments were helpful in determining the energy performance of the sowing section, as well as agrotechnical and energy indicators of the sowing facility.

CONCLUSION: It was experimentally found that the application of the developed technology of direct sowing helps to increase the field germination by 21.7% in comparison with the basic technology, the yield capacity increase is 9.2 c/ha.

About the authors

Sergey D. Shepelev

South Ural State Agrarian University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2578-2005
SPIN-code: 4848-4782

Professor, Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Maxim V. Pyataev

South Ural State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6570-5384
SPIN-code: 2502-0737

Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Operation of the Machine and Tractor Fleet, Technology and Mechanization of Livestock Department of the Agroengineering Institute

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Evgeniy N. Kravchenko

Chelyabinsk Installation-Setup Department Spetselevatormelmontazh


Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Engineer of the Agroengineering Institute

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Hydrothermal conditions of cultivation and yield capacity of grain crops in Chelyabinsk region.

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3. Fig. 2. Phases of the direct sowing technology: 1 — vertical cutting (with a flat disk); 2 — furrow formation (with a hoe coulter); 3 — laying seeding material down on the furrow bottom; 4 — seed rolling (with an individual packing wheel).

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4. Fig. 3. The sowing section: 1 — a cutting disk; 2 — a supporting wheel; 3 — a joint; 4 — a hoe coulter; 5 — a packing wheel mounting; 6 — a packing wheel; 7 — an adjustment spring of the packing wheel; 8 — a plough beam; 9 — a depth adjuster; 10 — a parallel-link mechanism; 11 — an adjustment spring of the section.

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5. Fig. 4. Components of traction resistance of the sowing section.

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6. Fig. 5. Curves of traction resistance of the sowing section depending on operational velocity, the hoe coulter operational depth and reaction at the supporting wheel.

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7. Fig. 6. The machine-tractor unit coupled with the PK-12.7 experimental sowing facility at the laboratory-field experiments.

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8. Fig. 7. Dependence of the traction resistance Rагр, the ICE power usage coefficient ηи, the slipping δ and the specific fuel consumption per hectare qга on the unit motion velocity vр.

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9. Fig. 8. Dependence of the traction resistance Rагр on the operational velocity.

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10. Fig. 9. The seedlings after furrow sowing with the PK-12.7 experimental sowing facility.

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