The 1D simulation of the mechanism for steering in a transverse plane of the grain harvester adapter

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BACKGROUND: When operating forage harvesters and grain harvesters, the ability to maintain a given cutting height by an adapter is an important condition for the technological process with minimum losses. In the field surface following systems, longitudinal and transverse following systems are used. Uncoordinated operation of these mechanisms can lead to a decrease in the quality of the technological product harvested and increased losses in cutting height. Therefore, the study of operation and selection of optimal parameters of both longitudinal and transverse following systems is an important task for the formation of algorithms of their joint operation. However, the transverse following system mechanisms are often overlooked in terms of characterization.

AIM: Development of the mathematical model for the mechanism for steering in a transverse plane of the grain harvester adapter for research of its operability, response rate and determination of the optimal parameters of its components.

METHODS: The authors employ the Simcenter Amesim multiphysics simulation platform, which has established its merit as a platform for multidisciplinary simulation of mechatronic systems, as a research tool.

RESULTS: The model of the mechanism for steering in a transverse plane of the grain harvester adapter was developed, its kinematic and force characteristics were determined and analysed. One variant of the model is presented in this paper. The analysis of the characteristics made it possible to estimate the response rate of the adapter steering mechanism and the wavelength of the field surface irregularities in the transverse plane, at which satisfactory operability is ensured.

CONCLUSION: The developed mathematical model of the mechanism for steering in a transverse plane of the grain harvester adapter helps to ensure the optimal system components’ parameters and to conduct extensive studies into the system’s operability, both as a whole unit and its individual components. The approach outlined can be utilised to study other field surface following mechanisms, including the system of automatic field surface following of the grain harvester adapter.

About the authors

Dzmitriy V. Dzhasau


Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-7135-5624
SPIN-code: 8840-4570

Postgraduate, Leading Design Engineer – Head of the Sector of the Dynamics, Strength, Analytical Reliability Department of the Scientific and Technical Center of Combine Harvesters Manufacturing

Belarus, Gomel

Aliaksandr A. Kalinouski


ORCID iD: 0009-0003-7090-1744
SPIN-code: 2101-0000

M.Sci. (Engineering), Leading Design Engineer of the Dynamics, Strength, Analytical Reliability Department of the Scientific and Technical Center of Combine Harvesters Manufacturing

Belarus, Gomel


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The layout of the following mechanism of the adapter in a transversal plane: 1 — the adapter; 2 — a position sensor; 3 — a slot; 4 — a hydraulic cylinder; 5 — a frame; 6 — the adapter center of mass.

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3. Fig. 2. The diagram of components of the adapter steering mechanism in a transveral plane in the Amesim: 1 — the mechanical part; 2 — the hydraulic part; 3 — the control unit.

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4. Fig. 3. The simulation results: 1, 2 — stroke of left and right hydraulic cylinders; 3 — the adapter steer angle.

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5. Fig. 4. Change of the adapter steer velocity.

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6. Fig. 5. Change of pressure in the rod side (a) and the piston side of hydraulic cylinders: 1 — the left hydraulic cylinder; 2 — the right hydraulic cylinder.

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