Analysis of the balance of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the cutting apparatus by the method of principal point vectors

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BACKGROUND: During the motion of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the cutting apparatus of a mounted mower, various points of its links move with acceleration, leading to arise of inertial forces, which cause additional loads in kinematic pairs, significantly affecting the strength of all structural elements. The effective dynamic load can be reduced by balancing inertial forces and moments, which is achieved through optimal placement and selection of the masses of the corresponding counterweights.

AIM: In the special technical literature, balancing of mechanisms using the method of principal point vectors is not widely used due to demand of appropriate mathematical models of lever mechanisms based on vector analysis for the effective application of this method. The combined use of this method with the mathematical model of the crank-slider mechanism presented in the work, based on the use of vector analysis, opens up new research opportunities in this direction.

METHODS: A mathematical model of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the cutting apparatus, based on the use of vector analysis, which has been successfully used by the author for a long time in the design of various lever mechanisms, is presented. The proposed vector analysis method is based on the coordinate transformation method.

RESULTS: The presented mathematical model of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the cutting apparatus made it possible to describe the kinematics of all its hardpoints, to determine the motion path of the vector of the general center of mass and its acceleration. Using the principal point vector method, an analysis of the balance of the studied mechanism was carried out, and the parameters of the counterweights (mass and mount arms) on the extension of the links were selected, helping to ensure complete static balancing and three cases of partial balancing of the mechanism. In addition, various graphical dependencies were obtained.

CONCLUSION: The use of the method of principal point vectors together with the developed mathematical model of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the cutting apparatus, based on the use of vector analysis, made it possible to analyze the balance of the studied mechanism, as well as to carry out a complete static balancing and three cases of its partial static balancing.

About the authors

Andrey V. Kotov


Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7247-043X
SPIN-code: 2820-0804

Lead Design Engineer of the Technical Department

Belarus, Gomel


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. General view of the crank-slider drive mechanism of the segment-finger cutting apparatus of the mounted mower: 1 — driven pulley; 2 — a bevel reduction gear; 3 — the crank-slider mechanism; 4 — the cutting apparatus.

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3. Fig. 2. Kinematic scheme of the disaxial crank-slider drive of the cutting apparatus.

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4. Fig. 3. User function for defining the absolute vector of the point of the slider: A — the absolute vector of the starting point of the connecting rod (end of the crank); LAB — the connecting rod length; W1 and W2 — respectively the first and the second absolute vector of points of the axis of the slider motion guide; W — the operator responsible for choosing the one of two possible conditions for assembling the mechanism.

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5. Fig. 4. An analytical model of the crank-slider drive of the cutting apparatus to the description the user function.

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6. Fig. 5. Kinematic scheme for static balancing of the crank-slider drive of the cutting apparatus: a — full balancing; b — partial balancing for three design cases with the motion path of the general center of mass of the mechanism.

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7. Fig. 6. Change in the module of the unbalanced main vector of inertia forces for the considered cases of balancing: a — depending on the of inclination angle of the vector of unbalanced inertia forces to the horizontal axis; b — depending on the of rotation angle of the crank.

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