Improving the technical device for washing root-and-tuber crops

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BACKGROUND: Achievements of agrarian science ensure the competitive development of agricultural production. The key place in solving the problems of which is occupied by technologies and machines of the agro-industrial sector. One of the main directions of the functioning of agriculture is animal husbandry, in particular the feeding of livestock and poultry. An increase in the output per each feed unit is facilitated with preparing them for feeding, including washing and chopping root-and-tuber crops as the most important component of the diet of farm animals. Improvement of these technical devices helps to improve the quality indicators of their operation.

AIM: Improving the device for washing root-and-tuber crops with the new patent-worthy technical solution.

METHODS: Study of the state of the issue on this topic using a literature sources review. Patent search for technical devices for washing root-and-tuber crops. Studying the principle of their operation and design features. Analysis and generalization of the information obtained for the implementation of the new design solution.

RESULTS: A study of the state of the issue of preparing root-and-tuber crops for feeding to farm animals, the conducted patent search and analysis of the studied material revealed that the existing devices for washing root-and-tuber crops do not meet the requirements. The main disadvantage is the low quality of the technological process performed. The use of a number of physical phenomena, such as gravity, friction, pressure, the interaction of fluid (air or water) with the material being processed, made it possible to solve the complex technical problem of creating a technical device at a whole new level.

CONCLUSIONS: Thus, based on the adopted technical solutions, the device for washing root-and-tuber crops has been improved at the level of patentability, which makes it possible to improve the quality of processing of root-and-tuber crops, including stabilizing the process of their unloading from the device. 

About the authors

Olga N. Svintsova

Irkutsk State University of Agriculture

ORCID iD: 0009-0000-3358-950X
SPIN-code: 1979-5220

Postgraduate of the Technical Support in Agro-industrial Sector Department

Russian Federation, Molodezny, 664038 Irkutsk district, Irkutsk region

Stanislav N. Shuhanov

Irkutsk State University of Agriculture

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2134-6871
SPIN-code: 6382-4059

Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor of the Technical Support in Agro-industrial Sector Department

Russian Federation, Molodezny, 664038 Irkutsk district, Irkutsk region

Vasily N. Khabardin

Irkutsk State University of Agriculture

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9201-2492
SPIN-code: 2438-8303

Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor of the Operation of Machine and Tractor Fleet, Life Safety and Professional Education Department

Russian Federation, Molodezny, 664038 Irkutsk district, Irkutsk region


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The technical device for washing root-and-tuber crops. Main cross-section view.

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