Investigation of the process of intake and gas exchange of a diesel engine when operating on mixed fuel

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The subject of the research is to determine the parameters of the diesel intake and gas exchange pro-cess when using a mixed fuel (MF), consisting of diesel fuel (DF) and rapeseed oil (RO). The main goal of this work is to determine the dependences of the parameters of the intake and gas exchange of a diesel engine on the composition used by the MF. To achieve this goal, theoretical and experimental studies of the D-245,5S tractor diesel engine with a characteristic of 4ChN 11,0/12,5 were carried out on the following MF compositions: DF – 80 % + RO – 20 %, DF – 45 % + RO – 55 %, DF – 20 % + RO – 80 %, as well as pure diesel fuel. During the carried out studies there were obtained the dependences of the hourly air flow rate, the cylinder filling factor and the charge density in the intake manifold of a diesel engine when operating on DF and MF on the crankshaft rotation speed and load at = 1800 min–1 and = 1400 min–1. It is theoretically determined and experimentally confirmed that the composition of the used MF has practically no effect on the characteristics Gв, ηv and ρк depending on pe of the diesel engine. As a result, it was found that with an increase of n from 1400 to 1800 min–1 on all compositions of MF the Gв increased from 276 to 394 kg/h, from 1,44 to 1,70 kg/m3, and at increase of n from 1800 to 2000 min–1, the Gв decreased from 394 to 322 kg/h, from 1,70 to 1,49 kg/m3 and from 0,97 to 0,77. With an increase pe from 0,2 to 1,2 MPa on all compositions the MF increased, at n = 1400 min–1, from 187 to 276 kg/h, ρк from 1,29 to 1,44 kg/m3 and ηv from 0,73 to 0,97, at n = 1800 min–1, Gв from 274 to 394 kg/h, ρк from 1,29 to 1,69 kg/m3 и ηv from 0,83 to 0,91, respectively.

About the authors

Sh. V. Buzikov

Vyatka State University

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Kirov


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Dependences of the hourly air consumption Gв, filling ratio ηv and charge density at the diesel inlet ρк: а – from the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft ; b – loads pe at crankshaft rotation speeds n = 1800 min–1 and n = 1400 min–1 on different MF compositions

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