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卷 50, 编号 2 (2023)



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Current Changes in the Major Water Balance Components of the Pechora and Kolyma Deltas under Warming Climate

Dolgopolova E., Isupova M.


Long-term variations of water balance components are compared for the deltas of the Pechora and Koluma rivers, flowing in the occurrence area of discontinuous and continuous permafrost rocks. Trends in the variations in the major components of water balance equation (river water flow, precipitation, and losses or increment of runoff in the delta) are considered for the conditions of climate warming (the late XX–early XXI centuries). A distinct increase, most pronounced in 2008–2018, was recorded in the major components of water balance.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):127-138
pages 127-138 views


The Experience in Drone Use to Evaluate the Coefficients of Turbulent Diffusion in Small Water Bodies

Lepikhin A., Lyakhin Y., Lucnikov A.


Small lakes and reservoirs located in the zone of active technogenesis are subject to the risk of various emergency situations. The present-day computer technologies, including hydrodynamic computation modules, can be used to effectively estimate and forecast their consequences with the aim to minimize the adverse effect. These models require evaluating the coefficients of horizontal diffusion. The theoretical analysis of such processes is very difficult because of their specifics. Studies aimed at evaluating these coefficients in Russia and other countries are very few, even under the assumption of their homogeneity and isotropy. The modern measurement technologies involving the use of pilotless vehicles, make such studies much simpler. The article discusses the significance of such studies, the technology of their performance, and the results obtained for the Verkhne-Zyryansk Reservoir. A field experiment with the use of eight floats yielded an average estimate of the coefficient of horizontal turbulent diffusion equal to 0.012 m2/s. The specific features of the obtained results are discussed.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):139-149
pages 139-149 views

Modeling Channel Deformation and Pollutant Transport in Rivers in Permafrost Zone with Local Channel Curvature

Debolskaya E., Debolskii V., Gritsuk I.


The results of laboratory and mathematical modeling of pollutant propagation from thawed sources on bank slopes in curvilinear reaches of rivers in permafrost zone are presented. Particular attention is paid to studying the effect of channel deformations caused by thermal erosion on the speed and character of pollutant spot propagation. The laboratory experiments in the hydraulic flume were primarily focused on determining the difference in the deformation dynamics and solute propagation from thawing sources at different shapes of channel curvature for the farther use of these data as input parameters of mathematical model for its verification. The analysis of a series of numerical calculations at a scale of laboratory experiment and an actual natural object suggested the conclusion regarding the effect of channel morphometric characteristics, the hydrological and thermal parameters of water flow, the characteristics of permafrost channel-forming ground on the dynamics of pollutant propagation in curvilinear reaches of the permafrost zone.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):150-162
pages 150-162 views

Water Infiltration into Soil under Oscillating Precipitation Regimes

Beliaev A., Yushmanov I.


An analytical study of the problem of water infiltration into a homogeneous unsaturated soil showed that, in the case of periodical water recharge through the soil surface, the character of the flow will tend to uniform with the depth. The stabilization of the flow was found to be due to the effect of two factors: capillary dissipation and nonlinearity. The role of each factor was studied by constructing appropriate exact solutions. An estimate was proposed for the depth at which flow variations become insignificant. This estimate takes into account the joint effect of both these factors. An explicit expression for it contains the hydraulic characteristics of the soil and the main characteristics of the surface recharge regime. The pumping effect was also studied and it was showed that, at some assumptions regarding the soil hydraulic characteristics, it manifests itself in that the time-averaged water content in the top soil layers is less than that at greater depth.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):163-169
pages 163-169 views


Regularities in the Variations of Chemical Runoff Module in Rivers of the Lena Basin in 2010–2019

Dzhamalov R., Vlasov K., Galagur K., Safronova T., Grigor’ev V., Efimov V., Reshetnyak O., Oboturov A.


The space and time variations of the concentrations of the most informative hydrochemical characteristics in the Lena R. basin are analyzed for two periods (2010–2014 and 2015–2019) in accordance with the most stringent standards for water bodies used for fishery. The constructed maps of the normal annual unit-area discharge for these components give a space and time characteristic of water quality and reveal the dynamics of hydrochemical runoff variations in the recent years. The effect of climate on surface-water regime in the Lena basin is also considered. The unit-area discharge for the majority of dissolved substances, primarily, the major ions and nutrients, was found to increase at an increase in the total precipitation and to decrease at an increase in the temperature, in which case the effect of precipitation is higher. The effect of temperature on chemical runoff is more noticeable in rivers with predominantly snow feeding, and the effect of precipitation, in rain-fed rivers

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):170-181
pages 170-181 views

Studying the Composition and Genesis of Organic Matter in Bottom Sediments of Polluted Small Watercourses in Khabarovsk City Territory

Garetova L., Fisher N., Kirienko O.


The distribution of organic matter, hydrocarbons, phytopigments, and ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms was studied in the bottom sediments of ten small tributaries of the Amur R. near Khabarovsk. The water showed high concentrations of organic matter, varying from 44.47 to 279.3 mg/L. The concentration of Corg in bottom sediments varied from 1.9 to 23.1% in different types of sediments; the amount of hydrocarbons reached 5081 mg/kg, exceeding the background level by a factor of up to 50. Studies of the molecular composition of hydrocarbons in sediments revealed in some streams the predominance (up to 100% of the total) of light (C8–C13) n-alkanes, typical of oil products and the products of vegetation combustion. High-molecular compounds dominated in HC composition in most watercourses, including n-alkanes, genetically associated with terrestrial vegetation, and heavy fractions of oil products with various levels of microbial degradation. Volatile organic compounds were quantitatively dominated by the products of microbiological transformation (acetaldehyde and methanol). In terms of the concentration of sedimentary pigments (up to 400 µg/g), the sediments of the majority of watercourses belong to the hypereutrophic type. The total abundance of microorganisms in water varied from 2.7 to 488.0 thousand CFU/mL; in sediments, it was distributed symbatically, but ranged from 0.1 to 19.3 million CFU/g. The number of heterotrophic bacteria in bottom sediments correlated with the parameter of overload of the self-purification capacity (r = 0.718), and the number of oil-oxidizing bacteria correlated with hydrocarbon concentration (r = 0.967), thus confirming the indication properties of this bacterial group.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):182-192
pages 182-192 views

Space–Time Variations of Fish Communities from the Belbek River

Karpova E., Statkevich  S., Ablyazov E.


This paper presents the results of studying the species composition, diversity, and dynamics of fish communities from the middle reaches of the Belbek River, one of the small rivers of the Crimean Peninsula, which is actively used to eliminate the shortage of water supply in recent years. The river is currently exposed to significant anthropogenic impact. Trends of change in the structure of the fish community with the economic development of the river have been observed and the main forms of negative environmental impact have been identified. A deterioration in the structure of aquatic communities and a sharp decrease in their diversity have been recorded over a short time period. A decrease in the abundance and a deformation of the population structure of native fish species (Crimea shemaya Alburnus mentoides, Crimean barbel Barbus tauricus, and Salgir gudgeon Gobio krymensis) are also observed. The determining influence of hydraulic engineering and hydrotechnical measures on destructive processes in aquatic ecosystems is shown.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):193-202
pages 193-202 views

Anthropogenic Changes in the Hydrochemical Regime and Water Quality in an Urban Watercourse: Case Study of the Likhoborka River, Moscow Region

Fashchevskaya T., Slovyagina A., Polyanin V., Algushaeva A.


The article presents the results of hydrochemical monitoring of a small river flowing in an urbanized basin in Moscow. Probabilistic estimate is given to the compliance of river water quality with regulatory requirements and the occurrence of high level river pollution (high and extremely high pollution). Specific features of river hydrochemical regime that distinguish the urban watercourse from natural water objects are revealed. The representativeness of the observation data from the institution that controls river water quality is estimated, and the time step of the series of measured water quality characteristics was shown to be insufficient to fully reflect their variations. The reliability of the monitoring data presented by the control institution is too low to adequately assess the level of river water pollution and the efficiency of the measures taken to protect the river

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):203-217
pages 203-217 views

Analysis of the Chemistry of Municipal Wastewaters for Forecasting the Conditions of Urban Population

Shchegol’kova N., Rybka K., Kozlova M., Kharitonov S.


The quality of wastewater and the socioeconomic aspects of the life of the population are shown to be interrelated. It is proposed to use municipal wastewater to diagnose the health of the population, to assess the feeding preferences of city dwellers, the use of alcohol, tobacco, medicines, and drugs, to assess the exposure of the population to the effect of hazardous chemicals (PAH, pesticides, preserving agents, plasticizers, etc.), and to timely reveal deceases (including COVID-19). The authors proposed several biomarkers, which are recommended to use to monitor the water-resource system as a component of the urban ecosystem.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):218-231
pages 218-231 views

Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Water and Bottom Sediments in the Rivers in the Can Gio Biospheric Reserve, Vietnam

Tereshchenko N., Chuzhikova-Proskurnina O., Proskurnin V., Hiep N.


Chemoecological studies were carried out in the water areas of the Kagau and Longtau rivers in the Can Gio Biosphere Reserve (Vietnam). Mass-spectrometry analysis was used to determine the concentrations of 15 microelements (heavy metals and metalloids) in water and bottom sediments. The overall pollution level in the Can Gio rivers was found to be moderate. However, the concentrations of some heavy metals in several cases exceeded the maximum permissible concentration at short-time exposure; also, the limits of safe concentrations at chronic exposure were exceeded for some elements. The concentrations of some heavy elements amount to 30 to 80% of the MPC for water bodies used for fishery. Primarily, these are copper, zinc, arsenic, vanadium, iron, and molybdenum. It was found that, according to the Regulations of Vietnam, the waters of the examined water areas showed concentrations of suspended matter in excess of the standards for category A1 sources, and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water was below the standard. The obtained results suggest the need to monitor the chemical–ecological conditions of rivers in Can Gio as protected natural objects, which are also used to some extent for social and economic purposes.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(2):232-246
pages 232-246 views