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卷 50, 编号 1 (2023)



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Modern Dynamics of the Northern Dvina Delta: A Study by Multitemporal Space Images

Kravtsova V., Vakhnina O., Lebedeva S., Khar’kovets E., Chalova E.


The long-term dynamics of the Northern Dvina delta was studied with the comparison of space images of 1977 and 2020. A map of delta dynamics, compiled by them, shows that the islands at the delta coastline keep increasing and join to the delta, channel islands in the main branches are increasing, and small watercourses in delta islands become narrower and disappear. However, this long-term tendency of the continuing increase in delta area is now accompanied by the processes of shore erosion in islands at delta coastline from the side of the Dvina Bay.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Express-Diagnostics of the Water Sources of a Small Arctic River by the Results of Short-Time Hydrological Survey, Chaunskaya Lowland, Chukotka

Gubareva T., Boldeskul A., Tregubov O., Tarbeeva A., Shamov V., Lebedeva L., Lutsenko T.


The article gives the results of generalization of a short-time expedition hydrological–hydrochemical survey in an arctic river basin in the northeastern part of Chaunskaya Lowland in the northern Chukotka, carried out in July 2020. At a scale of a small Yanranaivaam River basin, the structure of water masses was analyzed, and the catchments of individual tributaries with intense development of cryogenic processes were identified; these processes have an effect on water chemistry, in particular, in a higher concentration of hydrocarbonate ions, dissolved ferrum, and dissolved organic carbon. Two-tracer mixing model was used to identify and evaluate the contributions of water sources and their spatial relationships at the moment of survey. The main river water sources are atmospheric waters (mostly snowmelt water), slope soil water of the seasonally thawed layer (STL), and melt water of bald-mountain ice. The dominating water source in the catchments of the middle and upper parts of the basin is atmospheric water (67–78%), and that in the catchments of the lower part of the basin is STL soil water (59–64%). River recharge by meltwater of bald-mountain ice is typical of the entire basin, and at the moment of survey it accounted for 10–14% of the total.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):15-27
pages 15-27 views

Simulating Dynamic of Suspended Sediment Flow Based on Data of Primorskaya Water Balance Station

Bugaets A., Lupakov S., Pshenichnikova N., Krasnopeyev S.


Soil loss rate, suspended load, and suspended sediment discharge were simulated for the drainage basin of the Komarovka R., located at the territory of the former Primorskaya Water Balance, Russian Far East. The study was based on an open-code SWAT model. The model was calibrated and verified using archive measurement data on sediment load and suspended sediment discharge at PWBS by data of Tsentral’nyi hydrological gage (157 km2). The simulation efficiency of the suspended load and suspended sediment discharge corresponds to categories satisfactory and higher. On the average for the drainage basin, the rate of soil washout is 11–12 t/ha per year. The washout rate is maximal in the period of active snow melting. The mean monthly value for April–May is 75 thous. t. The mean annual washout is 171 thous. t, and the maximal is 800 thous. t/year. The mean annual runoff of suspended sediments in the outlet section of the drainage basin is 2.6 thous. t. The highest monthly values of sediment runoff correspond to the period of summer floods in August, when with average of 1 thous. and maximum of 7.7 thous. t. The obtained data on the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of the simulated values of washout rate are in good agreement with the landscape and climatic features of runoff formation in the drainage river basin. The major errors in the estimation of sediment load are due to the simulation quality of the hydrological regime and dynamics of runoff components that form flood hydrographs.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Assessing Inundation Risks and Protection of Residential Territories in River Floodplains

Belikov V., Borisova N., Rumyantsev A.


It is shown that the likely damage caused by inundation of residential areas and objects of higher hazard on river floodplains can be evaluated taking into account the inundation depth. A procedure of constructing inundation probability curves with the use of two-dimensional hydrodynamic models (based on the STREAM 2D CUDA software system (Russia)) and field observation data is considered. Data from hydrological gages in several rivers are used to show that the inundation recurrence curves can be approximated by some logarithmic functions. Formulas for determining the inundation risks of residential areas and integral risk characteristics are derived and substantiated. It is shown that, on the average for the objects considered in the study, the maximal risks correspond to inundation levels with exceedance probability of ~2%, and that the effective protection of residential areas in most cases should by designed for inundation levels with much smaller exceedance probability.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):39-52
pages 39-52 views


Specific Features of the Formation and Regulation of Diffuse Pollution in Urban Areas: Case Study of the Yauza R.

Polyanin V., Fashchevskaya T., Slovyagina A.


Specific features of water quality formation are considered for the Yauza R. flowing in an urbanized drainage basin containing Moscow City and nearest Moscow region. It has been found that the deep transformation of the natural hydrographic network along with diffused pollution from sources scattered over its basin have an adverse effect on water quality formation in the urban watercourse and its self-purification potential. The current ecological state of the river can be evaluated as unsatisfactory, notwithstanding the water protection measures taken in its basin. The existing system for managing the urban surface runoff has been analyzed. It is shown that monitoring the volumes and formation conditions of pollution runoff from the urban territory is not effective enough for an objective estimate of the environmental conditions of water bodies and reduces the efficiency of water protection measures.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):53-67
pages 53-67 views

Seasonal Variations in the Carbonate System of the Razdolnaya River

Tishchenko P., Mikhaylik T., Pavlova G., Barabanshchikov Y., Semkin P.


The values of pH, total alkalinity, humic substance, chlorophyll a were measured in water in the Razdolnaya R. within 13 months in 2013–2014 at a station near Razdolnyi Settl. Estimates of the carbonate system of river waters showed that the major portion of the year, the river water was a source of CO2 for the atmosphere with an annual emission flux of ~25 thousands tC/year. The chemical weathering of silicate rocks in the the Razdolnaya R. leads to withdrawal of atmospheric CO2. The mean annual export of the atmospheric CO2 in the form of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon by the Razdolnaya R. into the Amur Bay (the Sea of Japan) was 47 thousands tC/year. Therefore, the the Razdolnaya R. ecosystem in the study period absorbed CO2 (>20 thousands tC/year). The period of 2003–2017 showed a tendency toward an increase in the export of alkalinity, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon by the Razdolnaya R.. Estimates of the rate of chemical weathering of rocks, composing the basin, lie within 12–24 t/(km2 year).

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):68-80
pages 68-80 views

Space and Time Variations of Hydroenvironmental Characteristics of the Ivankovo Reservoir in Years with Different Weather Conditions

Grechushnikova M., Lomova D., Lomov V., Kremenetskaya E., Grigor’eva, I., Komissarov A., Fedorova L.


The article gives the results of studies of the hydroecological characteristics (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, chemical characteristics, production, methane concentration and emission, and the abundance of phytoplankton and benthos) in the Ivankovo Reservoir in August 2020–2021. Data of integrated surveys were used to show that the specific weather conditions and flowage have led to difference in these closely interrelated characteristics. The hot weather and the low flowage in 2021 contributed to an increase in oxygen consumption by bed soil, intensification of exchange processes at the water–bottom sediment interface, an increase in mineral phosphorus flux, more active blooming of the water body, decay of dead organic matter at higher temperature of the bottom layer. The role of bioturbation in changes in the rate of exchange processes between bottom water layer and sediments is demonstrated. The changes in the combination of processes in the water body caused an increase in methane flux into the atmosphere in 2021 compared with the previous year.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):81-89
pages 81-89 views

Long-Term Variations in Zoobenthos Characteristics in Watercourses on the the Khektsir Ridge

Yavorskaya N.


The results of long-term studies are used to present, for the first time, the structural organization of zoobenthos communities and the dynamics of their density and biomass in rivers and brooks of the the Khektsir Ridge, including the boundaries of the Bol’shekhekhtsirskii Reserve, Khektsirskii Wildlife Reserve (the southern part of the Russian Far East). The benthic organisms were found to contain 23 groups (22 groups in the spring and summer, 19 groups in the autumn, and 8 groups in the winter). Leading in the occurrence frequency (>90%) were chironomids, mayflies, and oligochaetes. The chironomids and amphipods accounted for 37.0 and 19.1% of the total benthos density, and mollusks and amphipods, for 32.1 and 29.7% of the total biomass, respectively. Dominants in terms of density and biomass were amphipods; chironomids dominated in terms of density, and mollusks, in terms of biomass. The mean density of benthic organisms was 637 ± 21 spec./m2, and the mean biomass was 1.8 ± 0.2 g/m2. The benthic communities of rift segments in the rithral zone were found to be most productive. It is shown that the seasonal and long-term dynamics of zoobenthos communities is pronounced and can be traced in the group composition, structure, and quantitative characteristics.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):90-102
pages 90-102 views

The Effect of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors on the Seasonal Ecohydrological Dynamics of the Eastern Basin of the Hypersaline Sakskoe Lake, the Republic of Crimea

Rudneva I., Chaban V., Shaida V., Korepanov A.


Crimean salt lakes have a high resource potential used in various types of human activity, i.e., balneology, chemical industry, and therapy; now, they are attractive tourist sites. A combination of biotic and abiotic factors creates specific conditions for the development and functioning of biota and the formation of unique ionic composition of brine and bottom sediments, which are used in balneology and the production of spa-products. Sakskoe Lake is among the largest coastal salt lakes of Crimea, located on the southwestern coast of the Black Sea. The effect of climate conditions and biota caused the formation of a specific ecosystem in the lake, which has a peculiar ionic composition of brine, changing within the year, and a brine shrimp population. The concentrations of cations and anions in the brine increased in summer because of active evaporation and decreased in winter and spring because of dilution of atmospheric precipitation and snowmelt water. The dynamics of the brine population also showed characteristic seasonal features: the life cycle begins in April, the maximal number of various life stages is recorded in May–June, and the end, in November–December. The artificial regulation of the water–salt regime of the water body through addition of seawater in summer contributed to maintaining optimal conditions, thus ensuring a high vital activity of the biota. The obtained data can reflect the seasonal dynamics of processes in the salt lake, governed by climatic, seasonal, and anthropogenic factors.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):103-112
pages 103-112 views


Measurement Accuracy in Water Quality Control

Danilov-Danilyan V., Larina E., Rozental O.


It is well-known that the error of a measurement result can increase at each step of a laboratory procedure, as well as because of the sample character of partial measurements. To overcome these difficulties, close cooperation between hydrologists and analytical chemists is required in order to obtain reliable information about the composition and properties of natural waters, which are extremely unstable. The study focuses on details that are of importance for both the client-hydrologist and the performer—chemist-analyst. The article gives different variants of conclusions regarding the compliance or non-compliance with the established requirements. The cost of reliable measurements is calculated, and variants of optimization of enterprise’s payments for discharges are proposed. Recommendations are given to customers regarding the choice of a competent analytical laboratory.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(1):113-124
pages 113-124 views