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Volume 50, Nº 5 (2023)


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pages 511-512 views

Numerical Study of Interaction between the Climate System Components and Their Role in Arctic Amplification of Climate Change

Platov G., Golubeva E., Krupchatnikov V., Kraineva M.


With the help of numerical modeling and reanalysis data, interactions between the components of the climate system in the Arctic under the conditions of climate warming have been studied. When analyzing the data and results of numerical experiments, the method of expanding fields of state characteristics in terms of empirical orthogonal functions was used. Trends in the atmospheric impact on the ocean–ice system during the warming period and their relationship with trends in future warming projections under the most severe RCP 8.5 scenario in the CMIP-5 project are identified. In addition, numerical modeling revealed a 44-year periodicity in the interaction between the Arctic Ocean circulation and the heat content of the Atlantic water layer: this can be associated with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):513-523
pages 513-523 views

Oerlemans Minimal Model as a Possible Instrument for Describing Mountain Glaciation in Earth System Models

Toropov P., Debol’skii A., Polyukhov A., Shestakova A., Popovnin V., Drozdov E.


The main approaches to mountain glacier simulation were reviewed, and Oerlemans minimal model was chosen as a parameterization core of mountain glaciation in the Earth System models. The proposed model is based on a one-dimensional equation of glacier mass balance. The mass balance components are calculated with the use of a specially developed model of orographic precipitation, an algorithm for correction of incoming solar radiation onto an inclined ice surface, and schemes of calculation of turbulent heat-moisture exchange based on the Monin–Obukhov theory. The model was implemented for the Djankuat glacier (the Central Caucasus), for which a long measurement series is available. The model gives a good reproduction of the dynamics of glacier length over the period 1985–2020 based on measured mass balance values: –13 m/year, which is in practically perfect agreement with the field data. This means that the Oerlemans model can be used in Earth system models. The results of simulation based on the calculated mass balance showed a significant positive trend in ablation at a slight change in accumulation, which is also in agreement with the reality. However, in this case, the values of the annual thawing depth and the glacier contraction are twice as large and those observed in reality. The further development of the model (the inclusion of a snow cover block, the incorporation of debris mantle and mountain–valley circulation) will eliminate these shortcomings.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):524-537
pages 524-537 views

Expected Changes in Evaporation in the Taiga Zone of European Russia in the XXI Century

Nadyozhina E., Shkol’nik I., Sternzat A., Pikalyova A.


Model estimates were made for changes in the actual evaporation of boreal forests in the taiga zone of European Russia caused by climate evolution in the XXI century. Climate changes were forecasted using the results of calculations by an MGO regional climate model. The space and time specification of the forecast data was made with the use of a model of the atmospheric boundary layer. Variations of the forecasted changes due to the use of different methods to calculate evaporation were studied. Calculations based on an additional (complementary) relationship, determining the actual evaporation with the use of standard meteorological characteristics were compared with observations and calculations based on a detail model of energy transport in a forest massif. The model values of the actual evaporation in the XXI century increase all over the European Russia. The effect of the intensity of dry periods on the evolution of actual evaporation is analyzed. It is shown that, despite the arid climate, the effect of dry periods on taiga forests will be moderately negative.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):538-549
pages 538-549 views

The Effect of Moscow Megapolis on Warm-Season Precipitation Depending on Large-Scale Atmospheric Conditions

Yarinich Y., Varentsov M., Platonov V., Stepanenko V., Chernokulsky A., Davletshin S., Dronova E.


The effect of Moscow megapolis on precipitation of different intensity under contrasting physical–synoptic conditions was estimated. The analysis of long-term standard observations at weather stations in the Moscow Region and the data of high-resolution reanalysis ERA5 over 1988–2020 were used to demonstrate that the effect of the city on heavy precipitation is largest in the cases with higher static instability of the atmosphere, combined with a weak large-scale flow, high moisture content of the atmosphere, and the absence of pronounced frontal zones in the region. On the average over the study period, the excess of the total seasonal precipitation in Moscow relative to the background values over the Moscow region is 5.3%. It was found that the effect of the city on precipitation of various intensity is different: the precipitation of low and medium intensity was less in the city (statistically insignificant), while the heaviest precipitation (above 95 percentile) increased over the city by 11.6% above the background value.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):550-560
pages 550-560 views

Utilization of Remote Sensing Data in the Simulation of the Water and Heat Regime of Land Areas: A Review of Publications

Muzylev E.


The article presents a revue of the estimates of soil surface moisture, soil water content, and evapotranspiration as elements of water and heat regimes of land surface areas at various spatial scales, made with the use of remote sensing data for Earth in various spectral ranges. In most cases considered in the study, such estimates were obtained with the use of land surface models. A special section is focused on the results of estimating soil surface moisture and water content using satellite data from microwave range, including radar data. Estimates of soil surface moisture content obtained with the use of neural networks are presented. A brief description is given to international hydrological–atmosphere experiments carried out under world research projects aimed to obtain data on the processes of moisture and heat exchange between the land surface and the surface atmosphere layer. Land surface, satellite, and model databases that have been formed using the results of studies in the field under consideration since the mid-1980s are reviewed. Prospects of further studies based on the development of new multispectral instrumentation, the creation of new databases, and the use of a new generation of satellites—global-coverage microsatellites with high-resolution sensors are presented.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):561-584
pages 561-584 views

The Applicability of Various Pedotransfer Functions to the Description of Soils

Ryazanova A., Bogomolov V., Medvedev A.


The article presents a comparative analysis of the hydrophysical characteristics, obtained with the use of pedotransfer functions, and the hydrophysical characteristics from the global soil set.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):585-601
pages 585-601 views

Roughness Parameter of Shallow Water Bodies

Repina I., Artamonov A., Kapustin I., Mol’kov A., Stepanenko V.


The results of measurements of atmospheric turbulence characteristics were used to obtain parameterizations for calculating the dynamic roughness parameter and the roughness parameters for temperature and humidity for a shallow closed water body. At medium wind speeds, the results of calculations by Charnock formula are in agreement with observation data; in this case, the c parameter is three times as large as that in the case of an open ocean, and the passage from the viscous to wave mechanism occurs at high wind speeds, while the dynamic roughness parameter at the same wind speeds is greater. The roughness parameters for temperature and humidity at wind speed from 0.5 to 3 m/s are not equal. The empirical coefficients in the equations describing the ratio of the dynamic roughness to the roughness parameter for temperature (humidity) on Reynolds number are close to those obtained before for other closed water bodies, thus suggesting a common formation mechanism of transport processes in a viscous sublayer. The obtained parameterizations can be used in Earth system models and lake models for calculating turbulent flows over continental water bodies.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):602-612
pages 602-612 views

Parameterization of Water Transparency in Natural Water Bodies

Golosov S., Zverev I., Terzhevik A.


A new parameterization is presented to describe the space and time variations of Secchi depth depending on the integral phytoplankton biomass and surface water temperature. The parameterization was verified against field data in lakes with different types of physiographic and chemical–biological characteristics—from deep oligotrophic northern regions of Lake Ladoga to shallow hypereutrophic Pskovskoe Lake. The results of verification show that the new parameterization can be used for solving a wide range of either hydrothermodynamic or hydrobiological problems. In particular, in the simulation of the thermal regime of water bodies, the proposed parameterization can be used to evaluate the coefficient of extinction of solar radiation. In the development of models to describe aquatic ecosystem functioning, the new parameterization can be used to evaluate the thickness of the trophogenic layer and phytoplankton primary production.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):613-621
pages 613-621 views

Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Mixing in a Shallow Lake for Periods of Under-Ice Convection

Smirnovsky A., Smirnov S., Bogdanov S., Pal’shin N., Zdorovennov R., Zdorovennova G.


The article presents the results of application of Implicit Large Eddy Simulation method to numerical simulation of under-ice radiatively driven convection, developing in ice-covered water bodies in the moderate zone at the end of freeze-up period. Studies of the radiatively driven convection are of importance because of the role it plays in the temperature regime of lakes and the functioning of lake ecosystems at the end of freeze-up period. The simulation was carried out with the use of the finite-volume software code SINF/Flag-S, developed in SPbPU. The SIMPLEC algorithm with second-order accuracy was used for ad­vancing in time. The discretization of the convective terms was made with the use of QUICK scheme. The results of calculations were used to study variations in the temperature and pulsation velocity components with periodically varying intensity of external energy pumping during the daily cycle. The dissipation of the kinetic energy, background potential energy, and buoyancy flux were evaluated, and changes in these variables during a daily cycle of radiation impact were calculated. The efficiency mixing of water column was evaluated for the period of development of radiatively driven convection in a model domain simulating a small lake covered by ice.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(5):622-632
pages 622-632 views

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