The Present-Day Structure of the Temperature and Current Fields in Lake Sevan



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Long-term features of the vertical and horizontal structure of water temperature field in Lake Sevan are discussed. It is shown that the climate warming has led to an increase in epilimnion temperature in Bol’shoi Sevan in July by 2.0‒3.0°C. The increase in water temperature in hypolimnion was not greater than 1.1°C. In autumn (October), the epilimnion became 1.2°C warmer, while hypolimnion temperature practically has not changed on the average over years. Temperature fields were used to calculate the density currents in summer and autumn periods. A dominating cyclonic water circulation was revealed all over the lake, confirmed by chlorophyll distribution by satellite image data. In the case of large horizontal gradients of water density, the flow velocity can reach 50 cm/s. Autonomous buoy stations revealed a wide range of water temperature variations due to internal waves of different nature. The reversible vertical mixing of water mass by internal waves plays an important role in the distribution of nutrients and plankton within the water mass. The water level rise by ~3 m, unlike it drop by 1981 by 18.48, has not caused any significant changes in lake hydrological regime.

Sobre autores

S. Poddubnyi

Papanin Institute of Inland Water Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 152742, Borok Settl., Yaroslavl oblast, Russia

Россия, 152742, Ярославская обл., пос. Борок

B. Gabrielyan

Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology, National Academy of Sciences, 0014, Erevan, Armenia

Армения, 0014, Ереван

A. Tsvetkov

Papanin Institute of Inland Water Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 152742, Borok Settl., Yaroslavl oblast, Russia

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Россия, 152742, Ярославская обл., пос. Борок


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Declaração de direitos autorais © С.А. Поддубный, Б.К. Габриелян, А.И. Цветков, 2023

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