A FCM Runoff Model for Small Rivers with Rainfall Recharge. 1. The Concept and Algorithms



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The flood cycle model FCM is a lumped conceptual water-balance model designed to simulate rain runoff at a scale of a small river basin. The development of the FCM model includes the description of the dynamics of the major components of the total moisture reserves of a basin and reproduces the effect of spatial expansion of the drainage network through temporary surface and subsurface streams during extraordinary floods. The accepted conceptual assumptions of the model, which are in agreement with the rational hydrological considerations, lead to three runoff-formation regimes, referred to as intravolume, surface and breakthrough. The concept and algorithms of FCM are given in detail.

Sobre autores

B. Gartsman

Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333, Moscow, Russia

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: gartsman@inbox.ru
Россия, 119333, Москва


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