Dicarbonyl-modified low-density lipoproteins are key inducers of LOX-1 and NOX1 gene expression in cultured human umbilical vein endotheliocytes


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


The expression of LOX-1 and NOX1 genes in human umbilical vein endotheliocytes (HUVECs) when cultured in the presence of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) modified with various natural dicarbonyls was investigated for the first time. It was found that of the investigated dicarbonyl-modified LDLs (malondialdehyde (MDA)-modified LDLs, glyoxal-modified LDLs, and methylglyoxal-modified LDLs), namely MDA-modified LDLs caused the greatest induction of LOX-1 and NOX1 genes, as well as genes of antioxidant enzymes and genes of signaling molecules in HUVECs. MDA-modified LDLs also induce the highest peroxiredoxins expression of the studied antioxidant enzyme genes. The key role of dicarbonyl-modified LDLs in the molecular mechanisms of vascular wall damage and endothelial dysfunction is discussed.

Авторлар туралы

V. Lankin

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after Academician E. I. Chazov, Ministry of Health of Russia

121552 Moscow, Russia

M. Sharapov

Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: sharapov.mg@yandex.ru
142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia

A. Tihaze

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after Academician E. I. Chazov, Ministry of Health of Russia

121552 Moscow, Russia

R. Goncharov

Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia

O. Antonova

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after Academician E. I. Chazov, Ministry of Health of Russia

121552 Moscow, Russia

G. Konovalova

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after Academician E. I. Chazov, Ministry of Health of Russia

121552 Moscow, Russia

V. Novoselov

Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia

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