Electrical signals of the plasma membrane and their effect on chlorophyll fluorescence in chara chloroplasts in vivo

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Action potentials of plant cells are involved in regulation of many cell processes, such as photosynthesis and cytoplasmic streaming. Excitable cells of characean algae submerged in media with elevated K+ content are able to generate hyperpolarizing electrical responses. This active response of plasma membrane arises upon the passage of inward electric current comparable in extent to natural currents circulating in illuminated Chara internodes. It remains currently unknown whether the hyperpolarizing electrical signals in Chara affect the photosynthetic activity. Here we show that the negative shift of cell membrane potential, which causes the K+ influx into the cytoplasm, is accompanied by a delayed decrease in the effective chlorophyll fluorescence yield (F′) and maximal yield (Fm) under low background light (12.5 µmol m-2 s-1). The transient changes in F′ and Fm were evident under illumination only, which indicates their close relation to photosynthetic energy conversion in chloroplasts. The passage of inward current caused an increase in pH at the cell surface (pHo), which reflects a high H+/OH- conductance of the plasmalemma and points to the decrease in cytoplasmic pH due to H+ entry into the cell. The shifts in pHo arising in response to the first hyperpolarizing pulse disappeared upon repeated stimulations, thus indicating the long-term inactivation of plasmalemmal H+/OH- conductance. Despite the suppression of plasmalemmal H+ fluxes, the hyperpolarizing responses and the analyzed chlorophyll fluorescence changes did not disappear. The results indicate the participation of K+ flows between the outer medium, cytoplasm, and stroma in chloroplast functional changes that are reflected by the dynamics of F′ and Fm.

About the authors

A. A Bulychev

Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: bulychev@biophys.msu.ru
119234 Moscow, Russia

S. Yu Shapiguzov

Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234 Moscow, Russia

A. V Alova

Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234 Moscow, Russia


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