
Morphological and Genetical Identification of Harpacticella inopinata Sars (Harpacticoida, Copepoda) from Lake Baikal and the Enisey River
Fefilova E., Popova E., Mayor T., Novikov A., Velegzhaninov I., Golubev M., Bakashkina A.
Patterns of Phenetic Diversity and Taxonomy of the Ide Leuciscus idus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Water Bodies of Russia and Adjacent Countries
Kozhara A., Mavrin A., Slynko E., Mironovsky A.
Spatial and Age-Related Changes in the Food Spectrum of the Common Bream Abramis brama in the Middle and Lower Course of the Northern Dvina River (Russia)
Novoselov A., Lukina V., Matveev N., Matveeva A.
New Records of Sphaerius acaroides (Coleoptera, Sphaeriusidae) from Russia Extend the Known Distribution of Myxophaga to Siberia
Prokin A., Salnitska M., Sazhnev A., Stolbov V., Sheykin S.
Genetic Variation among Three Species of Genus Erythroculter
Qiao D., Chen Y., Deng H., He X., Xia L.
Assessment of Morphometric Variations Among the Populations of Asian Sheat Catfish Wallago attu (Siluridae) from Five Indian Rivers
Kumar G., Kashyap A., Serajuddin M.
Diet and Feeding Ecology of the Invasive Gambusia holbrooki (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) in Lotic and Lentic Habitats (Northwestern Part of Turkey)
Saç G.
Some Species of Gobies of the Genus Pomatoschistus Previously Unknown in the Black Sea as Identified by the Data on the 16S rRNA Mitochondrial DNA Gene Variability
Slynko E., Karpova E., Mironovsky A., Slynko A., Kozhara A., Mavrin A.
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