Estimating the Asteroid’s Impact Risk under Significant Nonlinearity in the Orbit Determination Problem

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A method has been developed for estimating the probability of an asteroid impact on the Earth. The method is based on the detection of impact orbit tubes in the initial confidence region, taking into account the nonlinearity in the problem of orbit determination. The method consists in sequential iteration of level surfaces of the minimized function and conditionally minimizing the distance from the asteroid to the Earth on them in some considered approach of the asteroid to the Earth. An approximate method has been developed for calculating the confidence level at any point in the initial region with a noticeable nonlinearity in the orbit determination problem. The impact risk is estimated by applying this method to the identified tube of impact orbits. The method has been tested for a number of potentially dangerous asteroids in their expected approaches to Earth.

About the authors

A. P. Baturin

Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Россия, Томск


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