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Vol 55, No 2 (2024)

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From Editor-in-Chief

Филаретова Л.П.


11 декабря 2023 г. в рамках Общего собрания Отделения физиологических наук прошла юбилейная Научная сессия “60 лет Отделению физиологических наук”. В настоящем номере журнала “Успехи физиологических наук” публикуются обзорные статьи, подготовленные докладчиками Научной сессии по мотивам прозвучавших на сессии докладов.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):3-3
pages 3-3 views

60 anniversary of the foundation of the Department of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Natochin Y.V.


The Department of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established in 1963. The first academic secretary appointed was V.N. Chernigovsky. The article discusses the functions of the department, its leaders, and the development of physiology until 2002, when as a result of the RAS reform, 3 departments, including the Department of Physiology, were merged into the Department of Biological Sciences of the RAS. In 2011, a new department was created – the Department of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine of the RAS.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):4-18
pages 4-18 views

Creative space and scientific trajectory of academician V.N. Chernigovsky – first academic secretary of the department of physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Markov A.G.


The article analyzes the prerequisites and conditions for choosing Academician V.N. Chernigovsky, academician-secretary of the Department of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, created in 1963. For this purpose, the scientific potential and creative success, career growth and individual qualities of Academician V.N. Chernigovsky within the framework of the methodological approach of “protected space” were considered. He was characterized by a high level of achievement motivation, he had high efficiency, and was characterized by thoroughness and accuracy in carrying out scientific work. V.N. Chernigovsky successfully developed a new direction in the field of visceral physiology and made a significant contribution to the idea of interoception. He worked hard, achieved results step by step, which added up, enhancing their combined effect and creating the basis for his recognition and career advancement. V.N. Chernigovsky had significant administrative experience in leading two leading physiological institutes. Creative space of academician V.N. Chernigovsky, his scientific trajectory and personal characteristics brought him to the forefront as a candidate for the position of Academician-Secretary of the new Department of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Election of Academician V.N. Chernigovsky’s appointment to the position of academic secretary was not an accident, a game of chance or luck. This was the result of his intensive scientific and organizational work, which were predetermined by his personal qualities.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):19-37
pages 19-37 views

Academician E.M. Kreps – founder оf the science of evolutionary biochemistry of brain lipids

Parnova R.G., Firsov M.L.


The article is dedicated to the founder of the evolutionary biochemistry of brain lipids, Evgeniy Mikhailovich Kreps, a remarkable scientist and person, academician, who for many years headed the Department of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The authors consider some stages of the scientific biography of E.M. Kreps, analyze the main results of his many years of work on studying the composition of complex brain lipids in representatives of all classes of vertebrates and some invertebrates. The authors made an attempt to give a modern assessment and interpretation of the patterns of changes in the composition of phospholipids, cerebrosides, gangliosides and their fatty acid radicals discovered by E.M. Kreps, associated with the complication of the organization of the central nervous system during evolution.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):38-48
pages 38-48 views

Evolution of conception of cell electrogenesis and excitability and electrophysiological school of P.G. Kostuk

Kolesnikov S.S.


The formation and evolution of cell physiology in USSR was associated with the academician Platon Kostuk, an outstanding world-renowned scientist. His scientific activity occurred in the second half of 20th century, the period of burst-like progress in electrophysiology that provided a number of remarkable results rewarded with three Novel prizes. In biology of that time, electrophysiology was the only field, wherein methods and approaches were developed for the on-line analysis of physiological processes in cells and tissues. The goal of the given essay is to highlight retrospective aspects of the bioelectricity concept and to characterize the related contribution of the electrophysiological school of P.G. Kostuk to the field.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):49-69
pages 49-69 views

The significance of P.V. Simonov’s “need-information theory of emotions” in the development of modern neurobiology of behavior

Balaban P.M., Grigoryan G.A.


The current paper shows the importance of the need-information theory of P.V. Simonov in the development of modern neurobiology of behavior. The essence of the theory and the underlying fundamental principles of the organization of behavior-environmental uncertainty, probabilistic predictions of reinforcement are briefly described. The first section reviews the current data on the important role of uncertain environments and probabilistic predictions in organization of behavior. Attention is drawn to the reinforcement prediction error and its significance in the organization of both social and individual behavior, as well as its role in the consolidation and reconsolidation of memory. The second section shows the influence of need-information theory on the development of the theoretical and experimental basis of individual differences, with a scheme presented for explaining such differences based on the fundamental principles of theory. The next section examines the role of need-information theory in understanding the mechanisms of decision-making under risk conditions, and the importance of the theory as a conceptual basis for the new developing field of science – neuroeconomics. And finally, the 4th section considers in detail the model of emotional resonance (contagion) proposed by P. Simonov, and modern views on social behavior, in general, and the altruistic and selfish behavior of rodents, in particular.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):70-81
pages 70-81 views

Сontribution of academician A.I. Grigoriev in the development of gravitational physiology and space medicine

Orlov O.I., Potapov A.N.


The distinguished physiologist Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev left a remarkable legacy in Russian physiology and space medicine. He was a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1997), the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (since 1993), a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2001–2017), Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008–2017), academic secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2002–2009), a member of the Bureau of the RAS Council for Space, a member of the Bureau of the Department of Physiological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences (1980), Professor (1986), Honored Scientist (1996), Director (1988–2008) and Scientific Director (2008–2023) of the Institute of Biomedical Problems – these are the significant milestones in the scientific career of A.I. Grigoriev.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2024;55(2):82-90
pages 82-90 views

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