
Manifestations of marfan syndrome in maxillofacial pathology in children
Delyagin V., Dosimov A., Aksenova N., Aksenov A.
Use of synthetic peptides in the prevention of oral diseases
Sarkisyan N., Kataeva N., Khokhryakova D., Melikyan S.
HIV-associated oral diseases in children
Sarkisyan N., Gaisina E., Kataeva N., Sanotskaya E., Melikyan A., Osipova I.
Impact of increased gas medium pressure on tooth microcirculation
Pototskaya A., Krivonos A., Polikarpochkin A., Klenkov I., Poplaukhin T., Klenkova D.
Features of using bracket systems in aesthetic dentistry
Sarkisyan N., Kataeva N., Khokhryakova D., Melikyan A., Оsipova I.
Alveolar socket tuberculosis (a clinical case)
Borodulin B., Brudyan G.
Etiology and classification of gummy smile as a key to successful management and aesthetically good result
Volokovaya Е., Slabkovskaya А.
Application of biofeedback orthodontic treatment in patients with increased generalized tooth abrasion
Dybov A., Glazkova A.
Digital telemedicine technologies in healthcare: impact on professional development, practice integration and data security
Brudyan G., Seliverstov P.
Assessment of the relationship between the physicochemical parameters of saliva, the type of nutrition, and the quality of drinking water
Sarkisyan N., Kataeva N., Khokhryakova D., Melikyan S.
Tooth enamel demineralization in children during treatment with aligners: impact of oral hygiene and oral fluid pH (a pilot study)
Zhdanova D., Admakin O., Morozova N., Grinin V., Kozlitina Y., Malanova O., Gordienko I., Rumyantseva T., Garibyan A., Bille D.
Development of a diagnostic panel of biomarkers for predicting the survival rate of dental implants in patients of older age groups
Polyakova A., Medvedev D., Polyakova V.
Oral hygiene in preschool children Source of funding
Kutsenko V., Mikhailov V., Brudyan G., Yasynova A., Lopareva D.
Improving the esthetics of maxillary anterior teeth with E-max all-ceramic structures
Okromelidze M., Chikunov S., Utyuzh A., Shirshov S.
Rare clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure in the oral cavity
Redinova T., Zagrtdinova R., Lekomtseva Y.
Prevention of airborne infection in operating rooms and dental offices: modern approaches and technologies
Brudyan G., Yarikov А., Tsybusov S., Sosnin A., Garcia А.
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