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Том 33, № 9 (2022)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Topical Subject

Evaluation of rehabilitation potential in patients with hemorrhagic stroke

Ignatieva O., Golikova A., Gunkin I., Yarikov A., Fraerman A., Kim E.


Hemorrhagic stroke is a polyethologlcal disease that includes all forms of non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage. The article evaluates the rehabilitation potential in the acute period of hemorrhagic stroke based on the analysis of significant factors: gender, age, social, topographic characteristics of hematomas, concomitant diseases, focal symptoms. Rehabilitation potential was classified using the Rankin and Rlvermead scales into three degrees: low, medium and high. Unfavorable and favorable predictors of rehabilitation potential have been identified.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):5-9
pages 5-9 views


Situational disability of a patient in psychiatry and general medicine

Nosachev G., Nosachev I., Dubitskaya E., Semenov V.


The paper substantiates the necessity of Introducing the concept of situational disability In somatic medicine and psychiatry into the clinical and organizational-and-legal reality (using obnubilation of consciousness [mild torpor] and/or asthenic confusion as an example). The Introduction of this concept will be able to protect the rights and freedom of a patient and his attending physician. The paper presents the main clinical symptoms of obnubilation (disorientation In time and situations, their sense association) as a decompensation in a somatic disease throughout the time course of changes In the painful process. It analyzes the clinical manifestations and legal categories of the concept (definition) of situational disability. Practical recommendations are given.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):10-15
pages 10-15 views


The impact of Equapress therapy on cardiac remodeling and myocardial ischemia in premenopausal patients with hypoestrogenemia

Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.


Objective. To Investigate the Impact of therapy with the combination drug Equapress on cardiac remodeling and silent myocardial Ischemia (SMI) In premenopausal women with hypertension and estradiol deficiency. Subjects and methods. The Investigation Involved 47 premenopausal patients (mean age 47.80+2.37years) with Stage II essential hypertension and estradiol deficiency, who were prescribed the combination drug Equapress (lisinopril, amlodipine, and Indapamlde long) as an antihypertensive agent. Before the start of the Investigation and at 6 months after therapy, the patients underwent echocardiography, an analysis of the structural and geometric parameters of the left heart chambers, and an assessment of the systolic and diastolic functions ofthe left ventricle (LV). Hotter monitoring was done with a Kardiotekhnika cardlomonltor complex to detect SMI. Results. Triple antihypertensive therapy (lisinopril, amlodipine, and Indapamlde long) in premenopausal patients with hypertension and estrogen deficiency can slow down the development of LV hypertrophy and left heart chamber dilatation, also has a positive impact on LV remodeling, and lowers the Incidence of SMI.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Comparative experience of combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + betamethasone and olopatadine with momethasone in the topical treatment of pollinosis exacerbations

Trukhan D., Alekseenko V., Kalashnikova N., Minaeva V., Shelyapina O., Nesterova K., Bagisheva N., Mordyk A., Goioshubina V., Moiseeva M., Vins O., Nebesnaya E.


Objective: To assess and compare the effectiveness and safety of the combined medidne interferon aipha-2b + betamethasone (Allergoferon® beta) and the combined use of oiopatadine with mometasone furoate in the topical treatment of pollen allergy (pollinosis) exacerbations. Materials and methods. The study design was open, prospective, randomized and comparative. This study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Allergology and Immunology of the Omsk City Polyclinic No. 12. The study included 80 patients (men and women aged 20 to 64 years) who had consulted an allergist about moderate pollen allergy exacerbations. The patients were divided into two groups according to the treatment received: Group 1 (n=40) patients received oiopatadine eye drops and mometazone nasal spray for the treatment of pollinosis; Group 2 (n=40) patients - the new combined medicine Allergoferon® beta in the form of eye and nasal drops. Patients’ conditions and the presence of moderate pollen allergy exacerbations were assessed at baseline (Visit 1 ,V1) and during follow-up examinations on the day 7 (Visit 2, I/2) and day 14 (Visit 3,113). Patients' symptoms and signs were examined, which helped to determine the therapy effectiveness, the presence and severity of side effects. Tolerability of the given medidnes was evaluated according to patients' subjective assessment. Results. Control examinations of patients in both groups were conducted on the 7” and 14m days of treatment. On the 7“ treatment day (V2) disappearance of nasal symptoms (rhinorrhoea - 0 points) was observed in 27,5% of group 1 patients and in 45% of group 2 patients. The resolution of ocular symptoms (itchy eyelids - 0 points) was observed in 17,5% and 30% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively. There was a reduction in the intensity of such symptoms as cough (in 18% and 20% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively) and sneezing (in 25% and 40% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively). After 14 treatment days (V3) disappearance of nasal symptoms (in particular nasal congestion - 0 points) was noted in 52.5% of group 1 patients and 62.5% of group 2 patients. Ocular symptoms (itchy eyelids - 0 points) resolved completely in 40% (group 1) and 52,5% (group 2) patients respectively. No iacrimation was observed In 57,5% (group 1) and 67,5% (group 2) patients. Cough and sneezing were resolved completely in 55% and 65% of group 2 (Allergoferoni® beta) patients, by comparing with 45% and 53% of group 1 (oiopatadine + mometazone) patients respectively. Conclusion. Following the study results and comparative assessment of the given medidnes, it was revealed that the use of the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + betamethasone (Allergoferon® beta) had higher effectiveness In the treatment of patients with moderate pollen allergy exacerbations as compared to the combination of oiopatadine with mometazone. Patients noted a good tolerability of Allergoferon® beta (nasal and eye drops), convenience and ease of use. No side effects were observed during the use of this medicine. There were no cases of treatment withdrawal or refusal. The use of this new combined medicine in the treatment of pollen allergy (pollinosis) exacerbations helped to improve the patients' quality of life and reduce the treatment time.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):22-31
pages 22-31 views

Phytotherapy in the treatment of depressive states in adolescents

Elistratov D., Grigoryev K.


Depression among children and adolescents Is relatively common but frequently undiagnosed. Early detection of depression In young patients contributes to the efficiency of therapy and to a substantial improvement in quality of life. Combination treatment with psychotherapy and the herbal remedy Hypericum P (Hypericum perforatum) is the safest method for treating children. Hypericum P is designed using Russians unique cryopreservation technology. The paper considers the pharmacotherapeutlc mechanisms of human exposure to the medicinal plant Hypericum P that is a natural antidepressant and has great potential to treat adolescent mental illness. In addition, the administration of the drug does not cause unwanted reactions.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):32-35
pages 32-35 views

The drug Cardioton: composition, pharmacological properties, the possibilities of preventing cardiovascular diseases

Dedov D.


The drug Cardioton (PARAFARM, Penza) Is produced using a unique coprocessing technology from medicinal plants grown on the manufacturer’s own fields In ecologically dean regions of Russia. The paper reviews the data available In the literature on the antloxldant, cardioprotective, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemlc, anti-inflammatory, and metabolic effects of the drug. It condudes that Cardioton can be used In the complex prevention of cardiovascular diseases In addition to the main etlotroplc, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy, by taking into account an Individual approach, the severity of a condition and the comorbidity present In a particular patient.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):36-38
pages 36-38 views

From Practice

Features of postinfarction remodeling in able-bodied patients

Babushkina G., Permyakova S., Gareev D.


Objective. To evaluate postinfarction remodeling (PR) according to О myocardial Infarction (О-Mi) location within 1 year in able-bodied men during combination therapy including thrombolysis and maximum doses of statins. Subjects and methods. A follow-up was performed in 106 men under 60 years of age with primary Q-Mi, who were randomized Into 2 groups: 1)55 patients who took rosuvastatin 40 mg/day as part of drug therapy: 2)51 patients received atorvastatln 80 mg/day as part of drug therapy. According to age, the patients were divided Into subgroups: A) 49 (46.23%) young patients aged 30-44 years; B) 57 (53.77%) patients aged 45 to 60years. A control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy people without cardiovascular diseases. Results. The patients with Q-MI who took rosuvastatin for 1 year achieved more pronounced reductions In low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels compared to those who received atorvastatln. In the subgroup of young patients, the anterior location of Ml prevailed In 79.6%; In the subgroup of patients aged 45-60years, the lo wer location of Ml was In 64.9%. In both subgroups, the patients with anterior Q-MI showed an Increase In the left ventricle (LV) end-systollc diameter (ESD) during both early and late PR; In those with lower Q-MI, the Increased LV ESD was observed In persons aged 30-44 years during late PR. Conclusion. It is preferable to prescribe rosuvastatin 40 mg/day as part of combination therapy for able-bodied patients with the anterior location of Q-MI, by taking into account the characteristics of PR, as it contributes to a faster achievement of the target level of both LDL and CRP, which is one of the criteria for predicting the severity of Q-MI. One-year administration of the maximum doses of statins has been shown to be safe.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):39-42
pages 39-42 views

The psychoemotional status of hypertensive patients who have experienced acute cerebrovascular accident

Kharkovskaya E., Esina E., Kotova Y.


Hypertension Is a leading risk factor that contributes to disability in the population, for It Is a direct source of vascular accidents. A high proportion of poststroke disorders are accounted for by cognitive impairment (Cl) and psychoemotional sphere disorders. Objective. To study the magnitude of Cl and psychoemotional disorders in hypertensive outpatients who have undergone acute Ischemic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Subjects and methods. The study involved 36 hypertensive patients (mean age 65.16±3.2 years), who were divided Into 2 groups: 1) 12 patients with a history of acute CVA; 2) 24 patients without a history of acute CVA. Results. Group 1 patients were found to have Cl no dementia with a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of27.0 (27.0; 28.0); Group 2 patients did not have Cl with a MMSE score of 30.0 (29.0; 30.0) (p=0.000). Geriatric depression was not detected In the examined groups. In Groups 1 and 2 patients, the geriatric depression scale total score was 4.0 (3.0; 5.0) and 0.0 (0.0; 1.0), respectively (p=0.000). Significant differences were found between the groups according to the scores of MMSE (r=0.800; p<0.05) and M4S (r=0.600; p<0.05). There were also significant differences between the groups on MMSE subscales, such as orientation In time and place (r=0.337; p<0.05), memorization (r=0.337; p<0.05), attention focusing and counting (r=0.704; p<0.05), speech functions (r=0.786; p<0.05), three-step command (r=0.337; p<0.05), and constructive praxis (r=0.460; p<0.05). The correlation between the groups on the geriatric depression scale was significantly negative (r=-0.666; p<0.05). Conclusion. The Introduction of screening scales for the Identification of Cl and depression In hypertensive patients In the practice of local physicians and general practitioners will be able to timely diagnose these disorders and to assist in drawing up rehabilitation programs.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):43-46
pages 43-46 views

Diastolic dysfunction in patients with acute coronary pathology in the presence of an increase in epicardial adipose tissue

Davydova A., Nikiforov V., Khalimov Y.


Objective. To evaluate diastolic disturbances in patients with unstable angina (UA) in the presence of an increase in epicardial adipose tissue (EAT). Subjects and methods. The investigation involved 64 men and 38 women (mean age, 612+7.6 years) with UA treated in the emergency cardiology unit. The patients were examined; standard laboratory parameters were determined, coronary angiography (CAG) and stenting of one or more coronary arteries were performed on days 1-3 of hospitalization. Echocardiography (EchoCG) with measurement of EAT thickness (EATT) was done at 2-4 days after CAG. EAT was measured from the parasternal position along the long and short axes of the left ventricle (LV) at the end of systole during 3 cardiac cycles; the average of three successive values was taken as the EATT value. According to EATT, the patients were divided Into 2 groups: 1)46 patients who had an EATT of <7.6 mm; 2) 56 patients who had an EATT of >7.6 mm. Results.Analysis of anamnestic and anthropometric data showed no significant differences between the groups, with the exception of waist-to-hip ratio (higher in Group 1; p=0.0026). EchoCG revealed heart failure with preserved LV e/ection fraction (EF); however, LV EF had lower values In Group 2 than In Group 1 (55 [51-59]% versus 58 [53-60]%; p=0.031). There was a significant decrease In the following indicators of diastolic function (DF) in Group 2 compared to Group 1: lateral Em was 6.5 (4.2-8.1) versus 9.3 (6.5-11.1) cm/s (p<0.001); median Em was 5.7 (4.6-6.6) versus 7 (5.6-8.5) cm/s (p=0.001), a significant increase In DT was 228 [207-273] versus 178 [150-211] ms (p<0.001),as well as the E/Em ratio was 11.4 (8.3-14.9) relative units versus 8.7 (5.1-14.2) relative units (p=0.017). There was a positive correlation between EATT and DT (r=0.498; p=0.001) and a moderate negative correlation between EAT and lateral Em (r= -0.374; p = 0.001) and between EATT and median Em (r=-0.331; p=0.001). In Group 2, grade 2 DF disturbances were detected significantly more often (60.8% versus 30.5%; p=0.013). Thus, the individuals with UA were observed to have more pronounced DF disturbances with an increase in EATT. To evaluate diastolic disturbances in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation in the presence of an increase in EAT, it is advisable to use myocardial tissue Doppler EchoCG. The increased EATT In patients with UA should be considered as a possible adverse factor for myocardial dysfunction.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Smartphone dependence and its comorbidity with recurrent headaches in students

Evert L., Potupchik T., Kostyuchenko Y., Vlasova E., Laveikina M., Sovina A.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of modem medicine - the analysis of the association of recurrent headaches with the problematic use of smartphones In young people. A review of data on the prevalence of smartphone-dependent behavior in various age-gender and ethnic groups, various countries and regions was carried out. The etlopathogenetlc aspects of this phenomenon, clinical manifestations, impact on the somatic and mental health of smartphone users are highlighted, the most common disorders of various organs and systems are described. The results of our own study are included, which showed a high incidence of episodic and frequent headaches in people with mobile phone addicted behavior, a significant association of smartphone addiction with manifestations of asthenia, episodes of dizziness, pain in the spine, as well as interpersonal communication problems - with parents, teachers and classmates. The need for further scientific research is emphasized to develop effective methods for correcting and preventing the development of dependence on smartphones and associated health disorders In the younger generation.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Mast cells as predictors of bladder cancer

Pavlova T., Atyakshin D., Pavlov I., Bessmertny D., Pilkevich N., Proshchaev K.


Objective. To investigate mast cell populations in patients of different ages with Stage li-ill bladder cancer (BC), by using innovative immunohistochemical approaches (to study chymase and thymase of positive structures). Subjects and methods. Immunohistochemical approaches were used to examine material from 25 patients: a study group of 20 patients with histologically verified Stage ll-lll bladder cancer; a control group of 5 men aged 36-50years without cancer who died in traffic accidents. Results. The investigation ofthe protease profile of a mast cell population in the bladder showed that during the process of cancer development, the time course of changes In the content of protease-posltive mast cells was different: the number of tryptase-positlve mast cells Increased, while that of chymase-positive mast cells significantly decreased. An analysis ofthe protease profile indicated that with the process of cancer development, mast cell chymase expression noticeably decreased; the size of mast cells in the connective tissue subpopulation reduced. However, they could form local intraorganlc accumulations, secreting both tryptase and chymase in fairly immense areas.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Assessment of the physical aspect of vitality in elderly patients using the indicators of exercise tolerance

Rubinsky A., Kalinichenko A., Zarudsky A., Rukavishnikov A., Marchenko V.


The physical aspect of agerelated viability was studied using various clinical data, one of which Is the Indicators of exercise tolerance (ET). However, there is no common understanding of the physical aspect of agerelated viability, as well as there are no methods for Its assessment In different age periods. Objective. To Improve the assessment of the physical aspect of agerelated viability using the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) In different periods of the moderate ET test In pulmonology patients of different age groups. Subjects and methods. The Invesbgatlon enrolled patients undergoing respiratory rehabllltabon, Including 20 middleaged (45-59-year-old) and 13 elderly (60-74-year-old) patients according to the WHO classification. All the patients underwent a physical examination according to the traditional routine procedure using spiroarteriocardlorhythmography at rest and during functional tests. Results. The Investigation describes a methodology for assessing the regulatory circulatory systems by HRV In different periods of the ET test In middleaged and elderly patients with pulmonary diseases. Conclusion. For a quantitative assessment of the physical aspect of agerelated viability, the authors recommend an estimate of HRV in the recovery period of the moderate ET test.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Age-related conditions and quality of life in elderly and senile people

Akhmedov T., Saginbaev U.


Changes in the locomotion system are mediated by the interplay between bone, muscle, and adipose tissues and accordingly the signaling molecules that they produce, such as adlpoklnes, myokines, and osteoklnes. Sarcopenia in the elderly has now become a major focus of research and debate in healthcare due to Its Impact on morbidity, mortality, quality of life (QoL), and health care seeking. Hypertension and sarcopenia as a geriatric syndrome are often associated In the elderly. At the same time, the primary component in the pathophysiological gerontological continuum Is hypertension, In which prerequisites are created for the development of dynapenic, and later sarcopenlc processes, while osteopenic processes are observed In parallel. This pathophysiological gerontological continuum Is embodied In the assessment of QoL in these patients.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):67-69
pages 67-69 views

Leading determinants of diabetic retinopathy in geriatric practice

Lev I.


The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) Is steadily growing not only due to an Increase In the proportion of geriatric patients In the general population, but also due to a rise In the Incidence of type 2 diabetes mellltus (T2DM). However, the determinants of DR In geriatric patients with T2DM have not been adequately investigated and they are contradictory. Objective. To analyze the determinants of DR In geriatric patients with T2DM. Subjects and methods. The Investigation enrolled 356 patients aged 60-80years with T2DM, who were divided Into a study group of 182 patients with DR and T2DM and a control group of 174 patients with T2DM without DR. The patients of both groups were examined according to a unique procedure (a survey, determination of laboratory and instmmental parameters). Results. The clinical determinants favoring the development of DR more commonly included mlcrovascular complications of T2DM, elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP), and a hemoglobin level <100 g/L In the study group. Thus, there were mlcrovascular complications in 46.9+3.7% of the patients In the study group and 9.2+2.2% of those In the control group; SBP >140 mm Hg in 40.1+3.6 and 10.5+2.3%, DBP >90 mm Hg In 54.2+3.7 and 22.6+3.2%, and a hemoglobin level of <100 g/L In 31.6+3.5 and 8.4+2.1%, respectively. Among the behavioral determinants of DR, alcohol abuse was most frequent In 162+2.7 and 4.1+1.6%, respectively. Conclusion. The findings can be used in DR screening and prevention in geriatric patients.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):70-73
pages 70-73 views

Effectiveness of multi-stage breathing exercises in patients after COVID-associated pneumonia

Mikhaleva K., Eremushkin M., Marchenkova L., Cfiesnikova E., Trepova A., Mikhalev V.


The consequences of experienced COVID-associated pneumonia show it necessary to develop a phased set of rehabilitation measures to restore lung function, which can be implemented by patients, including those at home, after discharge from a healthcare facility. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of designed multi-stage breathing exercises In patients who have experienced COVID-associated pneumonia. Subjects and methods. The Investigation Involved 30 patients (14 (46.66%) women and 16 (53.33%) men) aged 41 to 80years. The patients received a cycle of Individual therapeutic exercises according to the developed multistage breathing exercises In terms of the Initial physical capability level. The rehabilitation program was compiled after an objective assessment of a patlenfs current physical status. Allowance was made for the following Indicators: blood oxygen saturation (SpOJ level, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and subjective health assessment by a patient. The program provided for several successive load levels: transition to the next cycle step was made only If the Indicators SpO? HR, and RR were adequate for the current level, as well as In the absence of complaints associated with the Intensity of a set of gymnastic exercises. Results. After a rehabilitation cycle, the patients showed cardiovascular adaptations to Increasing physical activity: a significant decrease In HR from 87.0 (75.50; 97.75) to 80.50 (70.00; 84.75) per minute (p<0.0001); significant positive changes in Sp02 from 93.0 (90.25; 95.00) to 98.00 (96.25; 98.75)% (p<0.0001); formation of the correct pattern of respiration, i.e. a reduction In RR from 20.50 (19.00; 23.00) to 18.00 (17.00; 18.00) per minute (p<0.0001); and an Improvement In the Indicators of subjective assessment of exercise tolerance according to the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the developed multi-stage breathing exercises has a positive impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of patients who have experienced COVID-assodated pneumonia, which is shown during a follow-up of Sp02, HR, and RR, and functional tests.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Comparative characteristics of social risk factors for local forms of tuberculosis in children: at the peak of the incidence rate and during the period of improving the epidemiological situation

Amosova E., Poretskova G., Santalova G., Kudlay D., Eremenko E.


A social risk factor (RF) is one of the main RFs for tuberculosis (TB). The incidence of TB In children depends on that in adults. TB is a social disease, one of whose signs is a direct association with living conditions. Objective. To compare social RFs for local forms of TB in children over time at the incidence peak (2006-2007) and during the period of Improving the epidemiological situation (2020-2021). Subjects and methods. To Identify social RFs for TB, medical records were analyzed and questionnaire survey was done in children aged 12-17 years and adolescents In varying educational establishments who were treated for respiratory TB (60 patients In 2006-2007 and 32 In 2020-2021). The questionnaire contained 37 questions concerning the general characteristics of a child, his/her family composition, and economic, living, and nutritional conditions. The findings were comparatively assessed. Results. The analysis showed that living in a single parent family remained one of the social RFs for TB. At the same time, social and living conditions had substantially Improved: the number of families living In comfortable apartments had grown; and the number of children having a separate room had increased. There was the persistent stress influence on children, which was associated with bad parenting habits, unbalanced diet, and an unsatisfactory way of life, which causes psychological problems In the family.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Effect of medical rehabilitation on improvement of quality of life in patients with breast cancer in the early postoperative period

Evstigneeva I.


The model for cancer rehabilitation begins with the pre-rehabilitation stage, next is the first rehabilitation stage. It is imperative to strictly justify the choice of rehabilitation technologies. There is evidence that nutritional and physical pre-rehabilitation has a positive effect on patient survival. However, there are no researches on the possible complex use of nutritional support and physiotherapy In the medical rehabilitation of patients with malignant neoplasms (MNs) of the breast in the early postoperative period, by substantiating the role of each factor. Objective. To investigate the efficiency of specialized dietary therapeutic and preventive nutrition and fluctuorlzation in the complex medical rehabilitation of patients with breast cancer (BC) In the early postoperative period. Subjects and methods. A prospective simple randomized study was conducted, which Involved 202 patients with BC in the early postoperative period (on 24 days after surgery). All the patients underwent medical rehabilitation: Individual physiotherapy exercises, balance therapy, and sessions with a medical psychologist. A study group included 68 patients receiving nutritional support In the medical rehabilitation cycle using the specialized LEOVIT ONCO dietary therapeutic food products, as well as fluctuorlzation. The rehabilitation cycle involved physiotherapy without therapeutic nutrition In a comparison group of 67 patients. A control group of 67 patients received a medical rehabilitation cycle without physiotherapy and therapeutic nutrition. The patients underwent clinical, functional, laboratory, and instrumental studies. Results and conclusion. The use of the specialized LEOVIT ONCO dietary products and fluctuorlzation In the preoperative and early postoperative periods was established to be an effective method of rehabilitation. The advantage of fluctuorlzation is the rapid relief of postoperative pain syndrome and the acceleration of regeneration. The use of the specialized LEOVIT ONCO dietary health food products assists in reducing postoperative intoxication, improves the antitoxic function of the liver, and reduces inflammatory processes and a negative impact of oxidative stress in the patients with BC. As a result, faster recovery of damaged tissues occurs and quality of life improves In the patients.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Health Care Service

New technologies in geriatrics

Alekhina A., Silyutina M., Saurina O., Taranina O., Chernov A., Yaroshevich E.


The early detection of diseases, especially In elderly patients, Is an urgent public health problem. The functional abilities of patients of older age groups (over 65 years) were screened using the WHO ICOPE Handbook App and a comprehensive geriatric assessment. The efficiency of digital technologies used In the primary health care system was also evaluated In Identifying various functional disorders (cognitive, motor, hearing, and visual Impairments, malnutrition, decreased muscular strength, probable depression, etc.) in elderly patients.

Vrach. 2022;33(9):90-92
pages 90-92 views

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